• I installed ThemeZee and see that at the bottom of posts, the categories/author etc is in grey, not black. I want it more visible.

    What do I edit (which CSS file) and where do I change font color and size?

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  • Thread Starter SickSquirrel


    Anyone willing to help a desperate female with a CSS issue?. Pretty please ?!?!

    Thread Starter SickSquirrel


    I just came over to post before I got email telling me you posted. It is ZeeNews. I did an FTP search and saw nothing called ThemeZee so searched my themes in the admin area.

    Okay, it’s hard to do CSS help without seeing the site, but see if adding this CSS works:

    .postmeta {
        color: black;

    Or maybe it’s this one:

    .postinfo {
       color: black;

    Add it to Custom CSS under Theme Options > General

    If that’s not what you’re trying to change, can you explain more about where that is.

    Thread Starter SickSquirrel


    Thank you. I did a search for “post” and found nothing. I thought it was better to paste the editor-style.css

    The theme is here but there are no comments. I could PM my site to you (it is adult themed) if this is inconclusive.

    html .mceContentBody {
        max-width: 640px;
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    	background: #eee;
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