After about a week I received a very nice reply from Technorati support [see below]. They fixed the problem, though I do not know exactly what they did.
Note that she included a new [to me] type of query to verify whether your WP categories are being auto-indexed as tags.
I see that query is available under Search/Options.
Hello Steve,
Please accept my apologies for the delay in getting back to you. We’ve been experiencing a backlog in support and are
working hard to address everyone. I’ve taken a look to see if we are successfully indexing your blog. After making a small
adjustment, it looks like all is in order and your blog has been indexed with your most recent posts and tags.
Shows: Last updated 3 minutes ago
Tagged Climate Change, Counter Terrorism, Education, More ?
Technorati Rank: 151,285 (38 links from 19 sites)
If you do see the issue again, please contact us. Sometimes it takes a little time for the ping to reach us to alert our spiders to
index your blog. If you find it is taking a while for the index, you can ping us directly from “”.
Do not hesitate to contact us if you have any other questions. Thank you for using Technorati!
Best Regards,
Janice Myint
Customer Support Specialist
I replied with a new problem, that WP categories were not being indexed. I also received a reply – and that now seems to be fixed also.
So I’ve shifted from unhappy to very happy with Technorati ??