Hi Michael,
It’s on a dev site, so no examples besides using a limited width widget which would have varying height for each testimonial.
I dug into your code and it was an easyish fix. From line 728 of testimonials-widget.php please add:
<script type="text/javascript">
var tpadding = $('.testimonials-widget-testimonials').height() - $('.testimonials-widget').height();
function nextTestimonial{$widget_number}() {
if ( ! jQuery('.{$id_base}').first().hasClass('hovered') ) {
var active = jQuery('.{$id_base} .active');
var next = (jQuery('.{$id_base} .active').next().length > 0) ? jQuery('.{$id_base} .active').next() : jQuery('.{$id_base} .testimonials-widget-testimonial:first');
active.fadeOut(1250, function(){
height: next.height() + tpadding
If you can’t add this (or similar) please let me know as I can just fork your code for myself – but I figure others will want this too.
Just 4 new lines of js.