home page giving 404 tried everything
hello Everyone,
I have seen like 20 posts here and googled everything I can.
1. I tried setting the home page to posts and to one (even another) static page at Settings->Reading – IT DIDN’T WORKED
2. I tried Settings->Permalinks without changing anything didn’t worked.
3. I temporarily edited 404.php to prevent that error for sometime.
4. There are already posts & page, so it’s not NO POST EXIST issue.Finally, I moved back again to Permalinks and chose the default “?p=” and then it worked perfect. I then changed it back and the error was again there (home page returned 404). I’ve mentioned 2 temporary solutions, please let me know a permanent fix as the default permalink ?p= ain’t so nice and I would like to go back to a much better seo friendly one.
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