Is it possible to bypass SecureImage?
Hi all,
I have a blog ( running WordPress 2.0.1 with SecureImage 1.0rc2. Thanks to that plugin and Akismet, I’ve had a relatively easy time keeping comment spam out.
However, today I noticed one piece of comment spam that had slipped past Akismet. After deleting it, I checked my server logs, and this is what it showed (in order, the fields are database index number, IP, date and time, requested URL, referring URL, and user-agent):
33040 2006-05-13 02:14:02 /2006/03/damned-if-you-do.html unknown Mozilla/5.0
This is the IP address that left that piece of comment spam, and it’s also the only appearance of that IP address in my logs for at least 24 hours back. There was no accompanying request for the “/index.php?image=” string that SecureImage would normally require; in short, these spammers seem to have figured out a way to leave comments that bypasses SecureImage entirely.
Obviously, I’d like to fix this problem. I’ve tried to e-mail the author of the plugin, but wasn’t able to contact him. Can anyone else offer any insight into how this might have been accomplished? Is it a bug in SecureImage’s code that could be fixed, or might it be an implementation error on my part, or a problem with WordPress itself in some other way (e.g., someone calling wp-post-comments.php directly)?
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
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