php help, need to add some space at the end of posts
i need to add some space between where my posts end and the social share buttons, comment form etc..this is how single.php looks in my theme…
<?php the_content(__('Read More ?', 'gp_lang')); ?> </div> <?php } else { ?> <?PHP the_content(__('Read More ?', 'gp_lang')); ?> <?php } ?> <!-- END POST CONTENT --> <!-- BEGIN POST NAV --> <?php wp_link_pages('before=<div class="clear"></div><div class="wp-pagenavi post-navi">&pagelink=<span>%</span>&after=</div>'); ?> <!-- END POST NAV --> <!-- BEGIN POST TAGS --> <?php if($gp_settings['meta_tags'] == "0") { ?><?php the_tags('<div class="post-meta post-tags"><span><i class="icon-tags"></i>', ', ', '</span></div>'); ?><?php } ?> <!-- END POST TAGS --> <!-- BEGIN AUHTOR INFO PANEL --> <!-- END AUTHOR INFO PANEL --> <!-- BEGIN RELATED ITEMS --> <?php if($gp_settings['related_items'] == "0") { ?> <?php echo do_shortcode('[related_posts id="" cats="" images="true" image_width="'.$gp_settings['related_image_width'].'" image_height="'.$gp_settings['related_image_height'].'" image_wrap="false" cols="4" per_page="4" link="both" orderby="random" order="desc" offset="0" content_display="excerpt" excerpt_length="0" title="true" title_size="12" meta="false" read_more="false" pagination="false" spacing="spacing-small" preload="false"]'); ?> <?php } ?> <!-- END RELATED ITEMS --> <!-- BEGIN COMMENTS --> <?php comments_template(); ?> <!-- END COMMENTS --> </div> <!-- END PADDER --> </div> <!-- END CONTENT --> <?php endwhile; endif; ?> <?php get_footer(); ?>
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Could anyone offer advice on what i need to add and where please?
thanks very much
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