using wp-vcard to recover data
I had a website built by a friends using their proprietory programs. Becuase of changes in my needs I no longer wanted to keep that site and wanted to build a new one using wordpress. My friends send me the names from my database in a vcard.vcf format. I was trying with the new host where I am wanting to build my new website about trying to figure out how to get this data into my wordpress files and its Mysql database so that I can use these contacts for future marketing. After a long search we came across the wp-vcard plugin which we uploaded into my wordpress plateform and now we have no idea how to use it. I sent an email to someone that had a forum on the internet and he suggested to open the vcard file in text editor and copy the content. But now I have no idea what to do with this data and how to incorporate it. My website is still being built and my old site have just disappeared from the internet because I have just completed a DSN transfer. I am not very savy with all of this. I have built a wordpress website in the past but it was simpler and had no databases attached to it. I am stuck and not sure what to do in order to insure that I didn’t lose my database. My friends who built my original site are not being very responsive to my requests to get the back up files for my website. Also they sent me a copy of my database using a format that is Mysql driven database file but one that apparently is not compatible with wordpress. The format of the file sent was .tgz . With the hosting company we also reached a deadend trying to recover and attach the data in that file as well. So my question how to I make the wp-vcard plugin work and recover my contacts data that is found in the vcard.vcf file.
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