• How do I install a WordPress, if taking over a wordpress-created(ams-hosted) website for which I have already downloaded the content over filezilla? I’ve read that I should install Wordrpess locally using Codex instructions but these instructions don’t specify whether or not I should create a new database when taking over an existing website.

    I’m familiar with downloading a site’s files and have already done so using filezilla. So:
    Should I make this downloaded content my root folder, then do the “5-minute install”? Or should I specify a new database, do the 5-minute install and then copy the downloaded site contents over??

    I’ve downloaded WP 3.5.2 (but the site is using 3.5.1 and can’t be updated automatically).

    Thanks tons in advance for any help

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  • Is the site on a live server? Are you wanting to make changes to the live site or are you wanting to make a separate (copy of that) site on your local computer?

    A copy of your site on your local computer won’t sync or be connected to the live site – you’d have to make changes in both places to make them visible on the live site.

    Thread Starter jaylad


    Yes, it is on a live server(I’m taking over the site).

    I mentioned having downloaded site content b/c it sounded like a logical part of taking over a wordpress site. I’d like to make changes to the live site, including changes that cannot be made in wordpress(i.e., changes in appearance editor) w/o(?) installing wordpress on my computer.

    B/c I haven’t installed wordpress yet, I don’t have permissions to make certain changes(changing files and re-uploading won’t allow me to edit javascript or remove flash banners, for example.)

    New database when installing?

    Thread Starter jaylad


    I’m terribly confused as to how to find and remove a flash banner(can’t find any plugin associated with it), for instance, and hope that installing wordpress will help…. Then again, I have no idea what a wordpress installation actually is/(its advantages).

    You don’t need to install anything on your computer – it won’t change anything to do with the live site at all. If you don’t have the ability to make changes, it sounds like you do not have admin capabilities on the site?


    What does it say under your user profile?

    Who has admin status on the site?

    What is the site URL?

    Thread Starter jaylad


    mysterious flash banner(installed by previous webmaster) appears on alohamortgagesolutions.com/reverse-mortgage-hawaii/

    Thread Starter jaylad


    i can log in as the admin

    That looks like it’s in a widget – have you looked there?
    Appearance > Widget?

    Thread Starter jaylad


    in Widgets> Sidebar, I only see “PHP Code” which seems to refer to something on the front page or theme(twitter/facebook buttons”

    It’s really hard to help with custom sites – as we have no idea how they are set up or coded.

    It looks like that is a part of a form – so maybe look for something like that.

    Next time do not create duplicate threads – this one now closed –


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