• we use woocommerce with wpml for a multilingual site, and so far it seemed to work fine. Note that the default language is English.
    For an unknown reason the product page in the 2nd language, it seems not to load correctly for all products in the translated language.

    It does not load the tabs with additional info and the reviews correct and if this helps you help me with this, in the chrome console I noticed the following error:

    Uncaught Error: Syntax error, unrecognized expression: #mobileMenu_menu-main-menu-%ce%b5%ce%bb%ce%bb%ce%b7%ce%bd%ce%b9%ce%ba%ce%b1 jquery.js:2
    nt.error jquery.js:2
    ut jquery.js:2
    vt jquery.js:2
    g.querySelectorAll.vt jquery.js:2
    nt jquery.js:2
    v.fn.extend.find jquery.js:2
    v.fn.v.init jquery.js:2
    v jquery.js:2
    menuExists avia.js:2305
    run avia.js:2423
    (anonymous function) avia.js:2443
    v.extend.each jquery.js:2
    v.fn.v.each jquery.js:2
    $.fn.mobileMenu avia.js:2431
    (anonymous function) avia.js:31
    l jquery.js:2
    c.fireWith jquery.js:2
    v.extend.ready jquery.js:2

    on jquery.js and on avia.js

    Don’t know how to fix this.
    Up until yesterday it seemed to work perfect.


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