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  • NuclearMoose


    I bought the commercial version of PGP a while back. I was totally clueless about it, and thought it would be nice to get and learn to help the rest of my family who are totally paranoid about everything that they do online.
    Well, I still have it, and I’m still clueless. It seems that in order to use it, both ends of the communication link need to have it. I thought that all I had to do was generate a key, and give that key to my relatives, and they could open the notes I sent them.
    Maybe that is all there is to it. No matter, I still have no frikkin’ clue how to use it and the instruction manual sucks…mostly because it’s about 200 pages. I’m too lazy to read THAT much documentation. Any PGP help out there would be muchly appreciated! I will send a five-pound box of Moose Candy to anyone who can enlighten me! ??



    Hash: SHA1
    I use it but since it is off topic, just e-mail me.
    Version: PGP 7.1.1
    Comment: Questions? Ask me about PGP



    is the scrollbar in the above post something specially applied in the CSS?
    if yes! coooool… ??



    In your CSS file:
    I use the above for the pre tag, but it looks like it’s being used on the post in this case…



    Get the free GPG at – it’s perfectly compatible and any number of the ends in a communication can have it. ??

    Is someone interested in writing a plugin/hack like OpenPGPComment for MT? I would love to have this functionality… It seems very interesting to try it out. If everyone would do this, than spam is doomed ??

    I don’t know about doomed spam, but comment spoofing would be history (a major reason for the development of a comment registration system in my mind).

    the spam detector is doing pretty good.
    keywords system rocks ??

    Mark: check out the comments at the bottom of the blog. Everyone who signed his/her comment has a PGP sig link at the bottom of the comment. If you click on it, the signature is verified and you know if it’s a valid or invalid signature…

    I completely forgot about the sign feature. I haven’t used PGP/GPG much because I’ve never had any real use for it.
    And Moose, what about that five pound box
    of moose candy?

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