• Hi
    The photo on the home page is only stretching half way across the screen. Can you please advise?. I am using the oxygen theme.

    also the colour of the subtext is too pale against my chosen background. How do I darken the subtext. you can see here: https://www.detoxwithme.ie

    Thank you kindly,

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  • I get “error establishing a database connection” for your site – you may want to check with your hosting company on that.

    Thread Starter Hushyoga


    Thanks. I’ll get on to them about it! keeps happening. it’s find on my own computer.

    Do you have any advise regarding the above? Thanks!

    I can’t help with CSS without seeing the site :).

    Where is your site hosted? That shouldn’t “keep happening.”

    Thread Starter Hushyoga


    Thanks. I am hosting with Register 365. I am on it. waiting for response which can take a while. I’ll get back to you when they fix it.
    Thank you!

    Thread Starter Hushyoga


    Hi, my website should be working properly now.

    Could you help me with the problems noted in my posts yesterday.

    also I am an amateur. If you give me codes can you please let me know exactly where to put them.

    I am using the oxygen theme. I would also appreciate any recommended plugins.

    Thank you kindly,


    The “image only display half way” problem is not a real issue here.

    Theme layout is left-sidebar | content | right-sidebar. The content in the middle has a max width of 470px. When placing the <img> tag into post/page content using WP editor, don’t choose small size.

    For Page, you can have a Full-width page, by assigning the Full Width Page Template to it. This page will not have sidebars.

    On a sidenote, to make the front page like demo, you have to assign Front Page Template to the page that assigned as front AND make posts with featured images AND some other settings that required.

    Thread Starter Hushyoga


    Thank you for your response. When i set the page as “front page templates” it isn’t helping situation. removes all script, photo and i don’t really know how it benefits the website.

    please see this website: https://mywayofeating.wordpress.com/

    I am looking for a similar layout with the photo on my home page to be in the same position as the photo on her home page, i.e full width of screen. When i try to do this in “header” not only does the photo only fit half way across the screen, it removes the title DetoxWithMe.

    I have searched other forums about this issue and tried changing photo size, the css code, Non working so far. unless I am missing something. quite possible… Would a plug in sort this out?

    Also while we’re at it. How do I darken the text on a page that is open. you’ll know what I mean when you go to the site. Can hardly see the letters.


    So we are not talking about image inside the post/page content. We are talking about header image.

    Header image in Oxygen theme featured at WP.COM network and the Oxygen theme featured at WP.ORG for self host is different.Those 2 themes are different. They do things differently.

    However, there are many ways that we can do to have full-width header image just like that. The easiest way is to drag a Text Widget into the header sidebar and put <img> tag into it, then adjust the styling in CSS.

    This theme comes with its own Custom CSS option, but it’s not as good as making changes via child theme or Custom CSS plugin.

    Theme files itself should never get edited at all.

    Thread Starter Hushyoga


    Thanks. this is all a little difficult for me to get my head around. although I am determined.! I was told wordpress is very user friendly!?!?!
    I have placed the Text Widget in the header sidebar, what is <img> tag. is it the actual image or a code?

    is it possible to change this to a child theme and would you advise that I now do that? If so is there an Oxygen child theme or can you recommend one similar.

    On another topic. How do I darken the tag line and subtext? and how do I get rid of the white box at the top of every page (other than home page) that reads e.g Home / Holistic Coaching.

    Thank you in advance for your patience.

    P.s Should I open up a different topic about darkening the text?

    First of all, please make sure that the theme itself is as original. All the editing should not be done directly to theme file.

    • Temporary activate Twentytwelve or Twentyeleven.
    • Delete Oxygen theme entirely.
    • Download Oxygen theme.
    • Activate Oxygen theme.
    Thread Starter Hushyoga


    I take it you mean to I should do the above to create the child theme. So in other words I have to start all over again!

    There is no need to use child theme at all, but the theme must be as original. There must not be any edit that makes directly to theme file.

    This has nothing to do with theme settings. The option in theme settings is kept in database untouched, even you delete the theme and reupload and reactivate it, same settings will be used.

    Step 1.
    Make sure the header image is of 940px in width and any height.

    Step 2.
    Go to your about page and upload the image to it, but don’t insert into the content area, just upload through this page so that the image belongs to it.

    Step 3.
    Get (copy to use later) the img source.

    Step 4.
    Put this into Text Widget that is dragged into Sidebar Header. Replace img src with yours.

    <a href="https://www.detoxwithme.ie" rel="home" title="DetoxWithMe">
    	<img src="https://dummyimage.com/940x200/ff0000/fff.png" alt="DetoxWithMe" />

    Step 5.
    Go to Appearance > Customize > Misc > Custom CSS and put this in, click save.

    #branding, #sidebar-header { float: none; width: 100%; height: auto; }
    #sidebar-header .widget { margin-bottom: 0; }
    .singular-page .entry-title { color: #333; }

    The last step is optional that you can use theme’s Custom CSS option, or Child theme stylesheet, or Custom CSS plugin.

    Thread Starter Hushyoga


    o.k. I think i am getting this. so if I do that will I be able work on the layout of the theme i.e the header photo etc to be similar to https://mywayofeating.wordpress.com/
    OR… should I choose another theme. any suggestions.?

    (It baffles me why the .org oxygen theme is less user friendly than .com theme)

    Thank you again for your patience.

    Thread Starter Hushyoga


    Forget that last mail.. the rest of your response hadn’t shown by the time i wrote it. I will work on your suggestions and get back to you if I have more problems.

    Thank you. Good Night from Dublin.

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