problem with shortcode
I need this:
Total visitor:
Visitor of the day:
Visitors online:I have try this:
Hi there,
all the filters have been added to the new version of my plugin.
Total unique visitors (or Total Unique IPs)
[slimstat f=’count-all’ w=’ip’]
Uniques visitors of the day
[slimstat f=’count’ w=’ip’ lf=’strtotime equals today’]
Total Page views
[slimstat f=’count-all’ w=’*’]
Page views of the day
[slimstat f=’count’ w=’*’ lf=’strtotime equals today’]
Visitors online is usually interpreted as visitors in the last 5 minutes (300 seconds) or so:
[slimstat f=’count-all’ w=’*’ lf=’WHERE:NOW() – dt < 300′]
A vote for my plugin would be a nice way to say thank you!
Have fun
CamuSeems this does not work corectly. Seems filter not work at all…
what to do?
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