Good suggestion azzyloth, I’ll consider it for a future version.
As for the registration not triggering the sync, I was thinking there might be something specific to WooCommerce in the way that it does user registration. I know that with Gravity Forms I had to add an extra action for the regsistration to sync:
add_action('user_register', 'sync_to_capsule');
add_action('gform_user_registered', 'sync_to_capsule');
I had a look at the WooCommerce action/hook docs but couldn’t find anything that looked like an user registration override so it might not be anything to do with the above.
If you could try filling out all of the fields as a test to see if that works (you’d then probably want to delete this test user from your CRM) that would be appreciated. Having a quick look at my code doesn’t reveal anything immediate with regards to missing fields, but perhaps the API fails if some fields are missing. If you do find things work with all fields I’ll revisit the Capsule docs and my code to develop a fix. And maybe add that API test button also ??