Comment Themes
Is it possible to change how comments are displayed, and if so, how? Is there a list of comment themes that can be downloaded and upload to existing theme in the wp-content/themes folder?
I’d like to adopt the style used here:
I like the way comments are presented there too.
Sadly, I haven’t a clue how to do this myself.
sorry, I posted an answer to a different post here, i’ll get back to this one shortly.
ok, that looks like a professionally developed (or purchased from one of the many “theme/style” online stores) theme.
before I get into the hows, I was a little disturbed after viewing the entire site, the guy doesn’t even have one link back to wordpress that I can find anywhere. that kind of irritates me.
anyway, styling your comments even close to what he’s done is a major project. you’ll need to create a highly customized style.css and make some changes to almost all of the php files in your theme.
what are both of your url’s ?
you might want to take a look at some of the styles/themes
at I contribute and participate there as well as here, and have found that sometimes it’s easier to “port” a design that I like from there to wordpress rather than start from scratch. I point clients there all the time so they can at least get some ideas as to what they want to do.I’ll take a look at both of your sites, if you’re willing to put the effort in, I’ll at least be able to help get you started.
Getting things to look really slick isn’t really as difficult as some folks make it sound.
…….before I get into the hows, I was a little disturbed after viewing the entire site, the guy doesn’t even have one link back to wordpress that I can find anywhere. that kind of irritates me……..
It’s pretty understandable, especially given the recent step up in spamming and hacking.
Actually I never EVER use opensource software which enforces the placing of a backlink on the frontend (links in the admin interface are ok) and I immediately lift off any code in OS software which is a backlink to the homepage of the software, regardless whether it’s for an own site or a client’s.
Most times I include a backlink in a links page, usually I also include at least 1-2 other similar OS softwares as links. But I lately tend to not do this either. Maybe I’ll switch to a gif displaying the make, I dunno yet.
But given that all spammers and hackers need to do to target specific OS software-driven sites is doing a google search, and given the fact that few OSS so far really have dealt with the problem inherent to their being open source, I see no reason to place a huge advertisement on a page saying “Hey spammers and hackers! HEEE-LLO-HO! Here I am and you know how to spam and hack me!”
This debate has been done to death. Acknowledging WordPress with a link is of course a cool thing to do, but in some cases may be inappropriate.
It’s been clearly stated before: a link back to wordpress is NOT required.
People like Matt are cool with this, just like everyone else should be.
i don’t want to debate that issue, it’s a dead horse, my personal feeling, is that at least put up an a how i built the site page with no link and ack the fact that you’re running your cool as hell site with free software, and at least the name of the software.
Hello, I’m the designer of the ubershop site…um yeah the guy who forgot to put the wordpress link somewhere on the site. Believe me, it wasn’t intentional. My bad.
I’m talking it over with bosses to put it somewhere on the site.
The comments are nothing special, just a css trick. And some PHP.
This is what the part in comments.php looks like. (Please not that this is only that part, and not the full comments.css)
<div class="<?php if ($comment->user_id == "1") echo 'comment-admin';
else if ($comment->user_id == "1") echo 'comment-admin';
else if ($comment->user_id == "45") echo 'comment-250';
else if ($comment->user_id == "20") echo 'comment-employee';
else echo 'comment'; ?>" id="comment-<?php comment_ID() ?>">
<?php comment_text() ?>
<p class="comment-tagline"><strong>
<?php comment_author_link() ?>
<?php if ($comment->comment_approved == '0') : ?>
<em>Your comment is awaiting moderation.</em>
<?php endif; ?> </strong><span class="comment-date">on <?php comment_date('F jS, Y') ?> at <?php comment_time() ?></span>
And then the css is like this
.comment {global css stuff}
.comment p (more global)
.comment-admin {specific to admin users)
.comment-250 {specific to 250 club members}
okay, you would have to explain to me how and where to put this. Somewhat a newbie to CSS. Also, if I put this in, that’s all I’d need to make my comments appear as on the spreadshirt website?
Checked out, but wasn’t sure where to look for comment themes. Any links would be helpful. I’d rather import a plugin that does this that mess with the programming.
This is what the part in comments.php looks like. (Please not that this is only that part, and not the full comments.css)
I think the comments.css is a typo… Shouldn’t that be comments.php?Well, the code i posted wasn’t the actual code, because i’m not supposed to post that (it’s spreadshirt’s property, not mine). I just posted how I did it, without using specific examples.
Do you want the ability to have separate comments looks for the admin and other users? Or do you just want the word bubbles?
I really like the separate comment looks for the admin vs other users, but its the bubbles I’m primarily after.
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