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  • I have 15+ questions yet only 10 appear on the FAQ page. Is there a setting somewhere that I am missing?

    Plugin Author Liton Arefin


    Hi jkwalz,

    There is no limit to show FAQ settings page. It will show all items. It caused for the settings>reading>Blog pages show at most. You have set it to 10. That’s why you are seeing 10 FAQ items.


    Plugin Author Liton Arefin


    Hi MisterPotatoHead,

    Thanks for the idea. Still there is no option like this. In the next update i will keep this feature. Enjoy


    Hello, Is there a way to change the order of the FAQ questions after they are created?


    Plugin Author Liton Arefin


    Hi WelcomeHomeJoe,
    By this time it’s not possible. I am working on other settings also. Many settings are coming soon.


    I used the construction in custom jq file

    $(function() {
      $("#accordion div").css("height","auto");
    Plugin Author Liton Arefin


    Hi Anti Den,
    Thanks for the nice and quick solution. Obviously i will update in the next version of this issue.
    Thanks again.

    Where should I edit or put this code

    $(function() {
    $(“#accordion div”).css(“height”,”auto”);

    thx man! =)

    Hi archiecruz,
    1 variant. You can create custom js file, simple “custom.js” with code

    $(function() {
    $("#accordion div").css("height","auto");

    and put file in header

    <script src="js/custom.js"></script>

    2 variant. Put code in footer, before </body> tag, with this code

    <script>$("#accordion div").css("height","auto");</script>

    Plugin Author Liton Arefin


    Hi Anti Den,
    I have released the update version of this plugin. And as promised, i have added css height issue (from your code).



    Thanks man =) I think need use original accordion js, simple use

    $( "#accordion" ).accordion({
          heightStyle: "content"

    please see and good luck!


    Try this …. it solved the issue for me.

    I found that simply editing the wp-awesome-faq/index.php file to allow more posts per page works. By default it is set to 5. You can find the code ton line 92 of the index.php file. Hope this helps!!

    // Getting FAQs from WordPress Awesome FAQ plugin’s Custom Post Type questions
    $args = array( ‘posts_per_page’ => 15, ‘post_type’ => ‘faq’, ‘order’=>”DESC”);
    $query = new WP_Query( $args );

    The latest version does not auto-hieght. I suggest you use the code offered to you here.

    It currently says that the .js code where the auto height is written is “inactive” anyway to activate this? The main portion of the plugin is listed as “active” and the FAQ is working properly other than the auto size function.

    Plugin Author Liton Arefin


    Hi grwiffen,
    You are doing lots for me. I will release latest version. I forgot to show all posts in line 92. I will fix this issue and obviously the auto height issue will be solved also.


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