• Hi,

    I have upgraded to version 3.0.3 and most of the bugs that Cheche found and fixed (in another topic in this support forum) have been implemented in version 3.0.3 but there is one still missing in functions.php:

    Line 497 current writing is:
    #return $text . '<p class="more-link-p"><a class="more-link" href="' . get_permalink( get_the_ID() ) . '">Read more →</a></p>';

    Which does not use the .po translation file. The correct one is this one
    return $text . '<p class="more-link-p"><a class="more-link" href="' . get_permalink( get_the_ID() ) . '">' . __('Read more', 'magazine-basic') . ' →</a></p>';

    Beside, “Tags:” is not even included in .po file and therefore cannot be translated unless harcoded. This requires adding “Tags:” to magazine-basic.po file and a correction similar to the former one to content-footer.php

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