Hi iox,
Currently there is no way to do this through the admin, however it is on the list for possibilities when version 2.0 is released.
You may accomplish this adding the following code to your themes functions.php file.
add_filter('simple_links_shortcode_link_output', 'add_simple_link_attribute', 1, 4 );
add_filter('simple_links_widget_link_output', 'add_simple_link_attribute', 1, 4);
function add_simple_link_attribute($output, $meta, $link, $image){
$atts = ' ';
foreach( (array)json_decode($meta['link_additional_value'][0]) as $k => $v){
$atts .= sanitize_title($k).'="'.sanitize_text_field($v).'" ';
$output = sprintf('<a href="%s" target="%s" title="%s" %s%s>%s%s</a>',
empty( $meta['link_target_nofollow'][0] ) ? '': 'rel="nofollow"',
return $output;
This will adjusted both the widget and the shortcode. All additional fields will be added to the links as attributes.
Hope this helps.