• I am currently using the “advantage” free wordpress theme for one of my sites. My question is, do I need a plug in for a slide show banner for this theme? I thought it was included, but I guess I was wrong

    Second question is. On the preview it’s got little columns on the home page set up, but I can’t figure out how to use those. In my widgest I have “Homepage Widget” 1-4 and I thought those may have been it but when I put in any text or anything in those widgets nothing shows up.

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  • It hard to know what’s going on unless you provide a link to your actual site.

    Thread Starter burton4550



    Nothing is really on it though, just wondering how to use those widgets, cause for some reason they’re not showing up on the home page

    Thread Starter burton4550



    All I want to do is set up my home page of my site to look similar to the demo looking version of the Theme.

    I want a slide show banner at the top, then my menu underneath that a quick introduction centered and then 3 columns /boxes with a pic and a description leading to popular pages

    Can anyone help with this ?

    The slider is included, but it isn’t a slider in the sense you seem to think. What it does is take recent posts and, using the featured images of those posts, generates the slider.

    If you are looking for customisable slider in the traditional sense where you build each slide individually then the Advantage slide won’t do what you are looking for – and I’d have to recommend you seek out a plugin for the purpose.

    This may prove useful to others, which is what I did for a client’s website. The coding that controls the slider is located in wp-content\themes\advantage\pages\featured.php. It creates a typical WP_Query object for retrieving the content needed for the slider – which we can edit in many ways as needed.

    I created a meta-box for my pages, which involve two pieces of metadata:
    – Tickbox for if the page is to go in the slider
    – Weburl for if the link is to go somewhere other than the page
    – ‘homepageordernumber’, which is used to do the order the page will appear in the slider

    I tweaked the WP_Query object in featured.php to call pages (rather than posts), to order by my homepageordernumber metadata field and to check if the tickbox metadata was ‘true’. Then I replaced the permalink command with a variable that called my Weburl metadata.

    Finally, I created an admin page which called the homepage slides and allowed for easy re-ordering.

    The coding I added to the the functions.php to achieve this is here:

    Note that this coding places the option to edit the homepage slider under settings in the admin window.

    The WP_Query I use in featured.php is this:
    $featured_args = array(
    ‘post_type’ => ‘page’,
    ‘post_status’ => ‘publish’,
    ‘posts_per_page’ => $post_pp,
    ‘ignore_sticky_posts’ => 1,
    ‘no_found_rows’ => 1,
    ‘orderby’ => ‘meta_value_num’,
    ‘meta_key’ => ‘homepageordernumber’,
    ‘order’ => ‘ASC’,
    ‘meta_query’ => array ( array(
    ‘key’ => ‘homepagecheckbox’,
    ‘value’ => ‘Yes’ ))

    I’m using a product post type for the slider and your detailed answer helped me straighten out filtering with a custom field, so thanks.
    And a very late response to the original question #2 here – in case anyone else has trouble with the home page boxes:
    In theme options set home page style to featured home
    Set the home widget area width based on the number of widgets you need. The number of columns must = 12. For example if you want 2 widgets, with one taking 2/3 of the page width, enter 9 and 3 in the first 2 boxes. If you want 3 equal boxes, enter 4,4,4.
    Once you get the hang of it, this is actually a much more flexible way to manage a home page than most themes offer.

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