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  • I’m not sure if there is a way to optimize a theme to be SEO friendly. Certainly SEO techniques can be used outside of the theme to increase visibility, but spiders, web crawlers, and ranking engines are looking through content and hits on specific web pages. As the wordpress theme builds each page dynamically, each template page is represtented on a single HTML page on the web.

    I’m very much a proponent of the “give me good content and you’ll get a good page rank” idea.

    Basically I’m jsut saying I don’t think it matters what theme you use as it all just ends up on a single HTML page anyway. (I’m not an SEO expert, so certainly open to contradicting arguments).

    From what other readers of said, this template is very seo friendly. I use it in my blog here But I’m planing to change it because i would like to show more content.

    “I’m not sure if there is a way to optimize a theme to be SEO friendly.”

    There are lots of ways to optimize themes to be SEO friendly… however you need the knowledge and experience of being an SEO specialist AND a designer/programmer in order to do it.

    There’s more to SEO than just your theme, yes – however little things like the sidebar being called in AFTER the content, for one example, are not always thought of by the theme creators. Designers are not always SEO experts, and yes, even vice versa.

    And the whole “content = pagerank” thing is true, sort of. Google PageRank is Google’s opinion of how popular your site is – in terms of linkbacks and site visits and so on. The PR algorithm use to change almost every 3 months, however in recent history it went over a year before it updated. Google PR isn’t as important as your search engine RANK, and the two are completely independent of one another.

    GREAT CONTENT will get you linked from other blogs though, which will increase your PR, but will also give the search engines more to go on when determining where to rank you for certain keywords and phrases. But this is not “SEO” – it’s more like “marketing” than anything else. Search Engine Optimization is the act of optimizing your website for the search engines. Internet marketing is the act of getting your site FOUND on the web.

    And yes, I do this for a living. ??

    If you would like to have one of this theme, I translate it for you in english;)


    This themes are onpage optimized,
    content and backlinks is your stuff;)


    How about doing a search on Google, Yahoo, and MSN for the exact phrase “powered by wordpress” ?

    That should give you a bunch of WP powered sites to look at. And should also give you a better idea of what works for each SE.

    “From what other readers of said, this template is very seo friendly. I use it in my blog here But I’m planing to change it because i would like to show more content. “

    — Yandel, could you let me know what them is this? Thanks.

    reading from the source of the given website, I found that is the location.


    Thanks sadish!

    I don’t think a template is going to give you any advantage in seo. I made this new blog and the person who made the template I’m using said is very seo friendly. So i don’t know it a template could give you the seo you want. I’m not into that, I’m making this blog because i am studying this topic in the college and made this site like a personal diary of information. I don’t think I’m going to get to much traffic for this site.

    I’m an SEO consultant and you can both improve a theme and improve WordPress (I’ve done both). Take a look at that’s the first optimised theme I did, but I also edited the WordPress software so not possible to release it in that form.

    Just finished optimizing Blix in a way that doesn’t need a hacked version of WordPress (see bottom of for download).

    The above also includes AdSense ads though they are relatively easy to remove if you don’t want them. I guess I should do an AdSense free SEO version next ??

    Will be releasing many more SEO’d templates as I find the time.

    I also use a plugin to aid SEO-

    Post Teaser – this results in an excerpt of a post shown on archive pages, means less chance of duplicate content problems.


    You may be a seo guru… but as a mod I’ll delete your duplicate posts ??

    In other words: please, keep it in one thread. Don’t post around about the same theme.

    Saw this thread via the SEO tag and thought it was relevant (I don’t see any true SEO themes around).

    Also half the post wasn’t about the Blix AdSense/SEO theme, see the bit about editing themes/WordPress and the recommended plugin, so think you are over the top to suggest this is a duplicate post of the fourth post at

    C’mon it’s not even close to a duplicate!

    And just in case you think I’m posting here for links – I understand the links from here are rel=”nofollow” so I gain nothing from an SEO perspective posting here. I’ll gain direct traffic ONLY if the post is relevant (for example if WordPress users want an SEO theme) and the last post IS very relevant IMHO to this thread.


    OK guys.

    There’s another post about the SEO Optimized WordPress theme and located at URL:

    Better I let you go to see there as if I post there, it’ll be a duplicate of the other thread.

    I believe that you’ll be pleased to see the WordPress theme called Ad Flex that as I said is a SEO Optimized WordPress theme and also Adsense ready.

    “Which is the most SEO Friendly Theme available today?”

    Who cares? HRO (human reader optimisation) is what’s important.

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