• Nile


    Is it possible to do a custom filter that uses multiple meta_key meta_value pairs?

    I want to send emails to a group with a specific role and with a specific meta_value in another meta_key. (I have a custom field for “receive emails” and want to be able to send emails only to people who have checked that box AND are of a specific user role).


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  • Plugin Author Mike Walsh


    Is your meta field store as user meta data? If so, then yes, you should be able to do what you’d like to do. There are a couple of posts on my web site from when I was developing the User Meta filter functionality which show some example filter usage. I also have a simple plugin file that demonstrates how to write a small plugin that does nothing other than define some custom filters.

    Check out this post for the small plugin and this post for some details on how to use the filter.

    Thread Starter Nile


    Yes, they are in meta data. I checked out the links you posted and the examples in Other Notes, but I still don’t understand how to create a single filter that filters multiple key / value pairs (I have successfully filtered by one key / value pair). Could you please post an example of this?

    Plugin Author Mike Walsh


    I replied to your comment on my blog but in case anyone is following this topic here, I wanted to follow up here too.

    The Meta Filter functionality doesn’t have the flexibility to do the type of operation you’re looking to do. However, I think I have a solution wit the new mailusers_update_custom_meta_filters action that I added to the plugin today.

    You can check it out in the beta release I posted a bit ago. There are more details on my blog and there is an example of using this new action in the plugin README file.

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