• Thank you for providing an easy-to-integrate plugin for facebook comments!

    I’ve been using this plugin on a couple of sites for clients and friends. We’re wondering if there’s a way for moderators or admins to receive a notification when new comments are made – either by email or their facebook account.

    I’ve gone through and played with all the settings, both in the WordPress backend and the facebook comment settings themselves, but can’t figure out if there’s a way to do this.

    Thanks in advance for any insight you can provide.


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  • Same question here… couldn’t even see the comment as pending on the dashboard. Not having pending notification would make the “require admin approval” all but useless.

    Figured out a way to tweak the plugin “Facebook Comments Notifier” email functionality, but disable its own facebook form. Seem to be working. Let me know if you are interested.



    hh3, hi, can you share what you did? is it still working?




    Hi cdiazg,
    I only tested on my ‘test’ site, not live site, and I haven’t had the chance to test it some more… Here are the changes:

    All important changes are in fb-comments.js

    1. Change all reference of “#commentform” to “#FatPandaFacebookComments” (without the “)
    2. block comment out the area between “//comment form” and “//add listener” with /* and */

    Like this:

       // comment form
      // add listener

    That’s it!

    Optional – The “Facebook Comments Notifier” is named “Facebook Comments” in the plugin pages, so it’s a bit confusing with Fatpanda’s plugin name. You may want to customize the name so it’s not so confusing. This is a cosmetic change that’s not required.

    1. Change the folder name to fb-comments-notifier
    2. Change the file: facebook-comments-notifier.php to fb-comments-notifier.php
    3. In fb-comments-notifier.php, change
    • “Plugin Name:” line to “Plugin Name: FB Comments Notifier”
    • Change “add_options_page” line to
      add_options_page('FB Comment Notifier Options', 'FB Comments Notifier', 'administrator', 'fcn', 'fcn_admin_options_page');

    If you do make the optional change, it’s probably better to repackage the file and upload it as a zip file. Hope it’s not too confusing.

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