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  • Plugin Author DanRoller


    Sorry to see that I managed to drop a sentence from the install instructions that meant to clarify that point.

    These capabilities are attributes of WordPress users. The missing text referred to having tool such as the plugin “Capability Manager Enhanced” installed. These are named capabilities are meant to be somewhat independent of WordPress admin, author, contributor, etc.

    Reminder, the “objtrackeradmin” capability allows users to:
    1. See objtracker in Tools menu.
    2. Enter objtracker as an objtracker admin – automatically adding user id to objtracker users.
    3. Add other users to the objtracer users list.
    4. Manage reference tables and objectives.

    Reminder, the “objtracker” capability allows users to:
    1. See objtracker in Tools menu.
    2. Enter objtracker as a user if an objtrackeradmin has added user id to objtracker users.
    3. Add or update objective measurements assigned to that user.

    Here is a longer description of adding a WordPress user capability based on the “Capability Manager Enhanced” plugin.

    If you install “Capability Manager Enhanced” plugin. Use the following steps:
    1. Enable plugin – this adds a “Capability Manager” menu item to the Users menu.
    2. Click “Capability Manager” from Users menu.
    3. In “Select Role to View / Edit” box in upper right of page, select role “Administrator” and click “Load”.
    4. In “Add Capability” box, last on right side, type “objtrackeradmin” and click “Add to role”.
    5. Scroll to the bottom of the page, notice “objtrackeradmin” in “Additional Capabilities” list.
    6. Click “Save Changes” – these user should now see “objtracker” in the Tools menu.

    If the Tools menu is hidden from a user, then objtracker can be accessed by websitename/wp-admin/tools.php?page=objtracker/objtracker.php.

    Plugin Author DanRoller


    Update 1.0.1 has revised description of capabilities.

    If you have tools other than the “Capability Manager Enhanced” plugin that can add WordPress user capabilites, please reply so that I can improve the installation description,

    Thread Starter [email protected]


    Excellent, thank you.

    Corrections for your documentation:
    1. Activate the plugin – This will add the “Capability” menu item to the Users menu.
    2. Select the new “Capability” item from Users menu.
    3. In the “Add Capability” box, (bottom on right side) type “objtrackeradmin” and click “Add to role”.
    Note: There will be a “Capability Manager” menu item in the Tools menu and a “Capability” menu item in the Users menu.

    New issues:
    Now I see the objtracker item in the User menu but when I click on it I get 50 or so

    Warning: file_get_contents(/home/content/76/8224776/html/MYSOCIALBEEHIVE/wp-content/plugins/objtracker/sql/Tables\Schema.sql) [function.file-get-contents]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /home/content/76/8224776/html/MYSOCIALBEEHIVE/wp-content/plugins/objtracker/includes/class-installsql.php on line 128

    Warning: file_get_contents(/home/content/76/8224776/html/MYSOCIALBEEHIVE/wp-content/plugins/objtracker/sql/Functions\F_StatusDollar.sql) [function.file-get-contents]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /home/content/76/8224776/html/MYSOCIALBEEHIVE/wp-content/plugins/objtracker/includes/class-installsql.php on line 128

    Warning: file_get_contents(/home/content/76/8224776/html/MYSOCIALBEEHIVE/wp-content/plugins/objtracker/sql/Functions\F_StatusCompare.sql) [function.file-get-contents]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /home/content/76/8224776/html/MYSOCIALBEEHIVE/wp-content/plugins/objtracker/includes/class-installsql.php on line 128

    Warning: file_get_contents(/home/content/76/8224776/html/MYSOCIALBEEHIVE/wp-content/plugins/objtracker/sql/Functions\F_StatusDate.sql) [function.file-get-contents]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /home/content/76/8224776/html/MYSOCIALBEEHIVE/wp-content/plugins/objtracker/includes/class-installsql.php on line 128

    Warning: file_get_contents(/home/content/76/8224776/html/MYSOCIALBEEHIVE/wp-content/plugins/objtracker/sql/Functions\F_FormatSortedDate.sql) [function.file-get-contents]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /home/content/76/8224776/html/MYSOCIALBEEHIVE/wp-content/plugins/objtracker/includes/class-installsql.php on line 128

    Plugin Author DanRoller


    Thanks for the corrections to the Capability Manager plugin usage.

    The “Warning: file_get_contents” warning is fatal and has now been fixed by update 1.0.2.

    Thanks for your patience.

    Plugin Author DanRoller



    Have your problems been addressed?

    Thread Starter [email protected]


    Hello sir,

    Sorry it took so much time to get back to you on this.
    I really do want to get this working so I can be your first good feedback.

    ? I removed your plugin and reloaded the latest version.
    ? I did not remove or reinstall capability manager.
    ? I followed the steps to add objtrackeradmin to the admin role – looks good!
    o By the way, should it be at level 10?
    ? I am an admin on the site.
    ? When I click the Tools > objtracker menu item I get: User not known to objtracker Error: User Manuel has not been defined to the Balanced Scorecard.
    ? If I try to get to objtracker from
    Error: You do not have sufficient permissions to access this page.

    Notes for your install:
    Using Enhanced Capability Manager
    1. Click Capability from Users menu.
    Should use the eact menu item name of “Capabilities” not Capability.

    Plugin Author DanRoller


    1. Concerning the Capability Manager:

    Once you have installed the Capability Manager you shouldn’t disable or uninstall it Just use it to the capabilities set for your users.

    2. I am puzzled why you would see to two types of error messages, especially the “has not been defined”.

    So the following will include first a description of the expected error responses that you have seen and corresponding information from the Capability Manager.
    Following that, there is a description of resetting the objtracker* components.

    Error 1 – You do not have sufficient permissions to access this page

    By design, I get this message for my “Sub Scriber” user with Role of “Subscriber”.

    This user has no objtracker in WordPress Tool menu (actually no Tool at all) and if I go to Capability Manager( with my admin user ) and click the Load button for “Subscriber” in the “Select Role to View / Edit” part of the pane – both “objtracker” and “objtrackeradmin” appear in the Additional Capabilities list, but their check boxes are not checked.

    Objtracker is looking for capabilities “objtracker” and “objtrackeradmin”, and if neither is set – it is desired that WordPress reject the user with that message.

    Error 2 – User … has not been defined to the Balanced Scorecard

    By design, I get this message for my “Con Tributor” user with Role “Contributor”. This user does have an objtracker in WordPress Tool menu and if I go to Capability Manager and click the Load button for ” Contributor ” in the “Select Role to View / Edit” part of the pane – both “objtracker” and “objtrackeradmin” appear in the Additional Capabilities list, and only “objtracker” is checked.

    The idea is that this non-admin user ought to be able to use the Balanced Scorecard but an administrator (a user with “objtrackeradmin” capability) has not yet placed that person’s ID into the Balanced Scorecard person table with assigned a department.

    If an “objtrackeradmin” user hasn’t been entered successfully, the response is “Error Balanced Scorecard is not yet fully installed.” – that the database components have not be initialized by the first admin’s usage.

    On the other hand, if a user has ‘objtrackeradmin” capability set, their user ID would have been placed into the person table automatically.

    What to do
    So, I suspect that (a) there may be a little confusion over the capabilities and surely (b) the prior errors that you found have partially setup the database.

    You don’t need to re-install the software unless I have updated the source, but your objtracker* components in your WordPress database can and should be reinitialized by the following.

    wtd 1. Delete the objtracker database tables from MySQL using MySQL Workbench or the command line.
    Paste the following into MySQL Workbench or a file to use with MySQL’s command line.

    DROP TABLE IF EXISTS objtrackerT_Documentation ,
    objtrackerT_InstallState ,
    objtrackerT_Measurement ,
    objtrackerT_Target ,
    objtrackerT_Objective ,
    objtrackerT_Person ,
    objtrackerT_ObjectiveType ,
    objtrackerT_Frequency ,
    objtrackerT_MetricType ,
    objtrackerT_Organization ;

    I’ll presume that you can manage that so that this response occures today. If you need an explanation on using MySQL Workbench or command line, … respond with which and I’ll try to come up with a short description.

    wtd 2 Enter objtracker with a user that has “objtrackeradmin” capability. This ought to take half a minute or more to complete successfully. At this point the database components are fully setup and this user will have been automatically added to the objtrackerT_Person table.

    If this does not complete successfully without errors – nothing much will work.

    wtd 3. This or any other “objtrackeradmin” user then can then add other users that have “objtracker” capabilities.

    If you don’t see errors with step 2 but continue to have the same type of errors, then we would need to dig into the objtracker* components of your WordPress database. Lets hope that we won’t have to go there but I will give some thought to what I would want in terms of diagnostic information.

    Looking forward to hearing from you.

    Thread Starter [email protected]


    Hello sir,

    I tried to run the data base cleanup but it destroyed the entire WordPress install.
    That’s OK because I’m using a test website.
    So I uninstalled WordPress,verified the database was removed and started over.
    I loaded a clean install of WordPress.
    I did not install any plugins or change the default theme or anything.
    I installed the Capability Manager Enhanced from the Plugin – Add New.
    I installed the ObjTracker from the Plugin – Add New.
    I added the objtrackeradmin role to he Admin role in Capability Manager.
    I added the objtracker role to he Author role in Capability Manager.
    I clicked the Users – Objtracker menu item
    It took a minute to load (building DB?)
    All I get is a blank page that says: User not known to objtracker Error: User Manuel has not been defined to the Balanced Scorecard.
    I looked in the SQL DB and there are approximately 17 tables for objtracker.
    I found the People table and I am in it.
    See links below for screenshots.

    What else do you need now?


    Plugin Author DanRoller


    You have provided something that gives me a clue to what is going on.

    Please look into the objtrackert_department and objtrackert_organization tables. The department table should have one row with ID 1. The organization table should have 2 rows with IDs 0 and 1. The ID column is the first column of each table.

    Please respond with the IDs for the rows that you find in each table.

    Thank you

    Plugin Author DanRoller


    I’m starting down a path of breaking that initial db setup into smaller pieces so that the administrator is prompted through installing each set of db components, for example: tables, functions, stored procedures, and triggers and that the code try to validate each.

    I suspect that either there is another bug or timeouts are breaking the process. In either case, the step by step install should either solve the problem or isolate it. This will take me a day or two.

    I can get a white page with only the wordpress headers by setting set_time_limit(33); in the wp-config.php.

    Thread Starter [email protected]



    I verified objtrackert_department Table has 1 record:
    1,1,0,Replace me at setup,Replace,2013-08-28 05:56:05Manuel
    I verified objtrackerT_Organization Table has 2 records:

    0,1,Model Foundation,Model, C:/Dan/Downloads,Trailer text, DefaultPassword,2013-08-28 05:56:05,0Init

    1,1,New Organization- 1,NO1,C:/Dan/Downloads,Trailer text,DefaultPassword,2013-08-28 05:56:05,Manuel

    Thread Starter [email protected]


    I am not clear on what my next action is.
    I’ll wait.


    Plugin Author DanRoller


    Please upgrade to objtracker 1.0.3 which has a step-by-step database setup requiring multiple clicks to continue. I hope this works because each setp uses less time than your time out or it shows me what other problems there are.

    First please drop one database table using (with your userid …)
    mysql -h localhost -uroot -D wordpress???
    DROP TABLE IF EXISTS objtrackerT_InstallState;
    This will force objtracker to restart the its database setup.

    Thank you

    Plugin Author DanRoller


    On the suggestion of my local WordPress Meetup, I installed Virtual Box and a Linux image on my Windows machine.

    The installation on Linux sites has a problem and there are several other problems all having to do with inconsistent case in stored procedures. This seems to work okay in Windows but not in Unix based systems.

    I expect to have 1.0.5 out by Sept 17th 2013.

    Plugin Author DanRoller


    With objtracker 1.0.6, I have tested on both Windows and Fedora having resolved numerous issues.

    Let call this closed. Please open new install issues if you have problems with the install.

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