Ok, after messing with the Photo Description field, I manage to make it to show the EXIF now using the following HTML code in Table IX-B4.
<table style="margin:0; border:none;" >
<tr ><td class="wppa-label" >Date Time</td><td>????</td><td class="wppa-value" >E#0132</td></tr>
<tr><td class="wppa-label" >Camera</td><td>????</td><td class="wppa-value" >E#0110</td></tr>
<tr><td class="wppa-label" >Lens</td><td>????</td><td class="wppa-value" >E#0095</td></tr>
<tr><td class="wppa-label" >Focal length</td><td>????</td><td class="wppa-value" >E#920A</td></tr>
<tr><td class="wppa-label" >Shutter Speed</td><td>????</td><td class="wppa-value" >E#829A</td></tr>
<tr><td class="wppa-label" >F-Stop</td><td>????</td><td class="wppa-value" >E#829D</td></tr>
<tr><td class="wppa-label" >ISO Speed Rating</td><td>????</td><td class="wppa-value" >E#8827</td></tr>
<tr><td class="wppa-label" >Exposure bias</td><td>????</td><td class="wppa-value" >E#9204</td></tr>
If the future version allow you to have an option to show the EXIF by default on slideshow as well as lightbox, that would be nice.