this is what Google told me to do.
Dear Webmaster,
Thank you for your interest in PageSpeed Service.
We found that your site is already setup with CloudFlare. You can setup PSS on top of CloudFlare and receive benefits of both the CDN’s. To setup PSS on top of CloudFlare for ”” please follow the below steps :
(1) Log into the CloudFlare DNS Manager and create the ‘’ A record and point it to your Host IP address. Make sure that CloudFlare is disabled for this DNS record. (The record is disabled when the cloud is grey)
(2) CNAME to ‘’. If you would like to receive the benefits of both CloudFlare and PSS, make sure that CloudFlare is enabled for this DNS record. (The record is enabled when the cloud is orange) If you would like to only receive the benefits of PSS, you can disable CloudFlare for this DNS record.
We have also included a link to the PageSpeed Service setup instructions: Once you are done configuring changes, you can visit to check whether the DNS changes you have made during setup have propagated.