• Hello, sorry if my solution is obvious.

    anyway i am building a puzzle solving website and I want to set up puzzles in blog posts. Every week or so I want to post single puzzles for members to solve. but i want it done very specifically.

    all users will be paid members with paypal accounts. (Their paypal email address will be logged in their profile)

    the puzzle posts will be simple, a jpeg or whatever with the puzzle and a text form area to attempt a solution for it. (one per post, with maybe a print option so the user can take it with them)

    my problem is what I want that form to accomplish.

    when a user attempts to solve the puzzle with a text answer and it is wrong I’d like a pop-up or text to show a red X on the side notifying the user.

    however, when the user enters a correct answer I want the form to close with a congratulations and lock up so no other users can attempt the puzzle. maybe even have a quib show up stating which user solved it and how fast, in months days hours etc.

    and finally, when the user enters the right solution and the puzzle is locked for the rest of the users I want a variable prize award amount of money to be sent to that users Paypal.

    and that’s it.
    sounds complicated?

    i know its a bit much, i just hope i do not need to get a degree to accomplish this. because its my final straw in getting my site running.

    any help, plugins, widgets, read mes, documents, would be appreciated much.

    thanks in advance.

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