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  • Thread Starter user-press


    Here’s how the bottom of the site –

    Thread Starter user-press


    is for MORE ARTICLES section

    That’s my site. I explained how I did pagination in home here.
    It’s not complicated, but it takes some familiarity with code.

    PS: please don’t bump your topic every so often, also with useless information. It’s not for a particular section, pagination is for home page.

    Thread Starter user-press


    tizz, I had already seen that topic … does not work …
    it is necessary is for MORE ARTICLES section

    in category of work and home is not
    I was on the main page does not infer categories … understand? the main excretory all records, and you have a website just category.

    Thread Starter user-press


    this is the main page –

    When I press “2” –

    content of the pages do not change… understand? help..


    That topic is how I got the home page you linked above. Maybe you don’t understand how it works.
    And you can’t have help in forum with images. Images are useless, URLs are useful.

    Thread Starter user-press


    test site
    See what I’m saying

    How did you get that home page?
    Have you modified theme files?

    Thread Starter user-press


    Have you modified theme files?

    yes, i changed file home.php

    In <?php /********* Featured Section. *********/ ?>
    <?php $loop = new WP_Query( array( 'posts_per_page' => 1,'post__in' => get_option( 'sticky_posts' ),'post__not_in' => $no_duplicates, 'ignore_sticky_posts' => 1 ) ); ?>
    changed in
    <?php $loop = new WP_Query( array( 'posts_per_page' => 1,'paged' => $paged,'post__in' => get_option( 'sticky_posts' ),'post__not_in' => $no_duplicates, 'ignore_sticky_posts' => 1 ) ); ?>
    In <!-- Begin categories. -->
    <?php $loop = new WP_Query( array( 'cat' => $category, 'posts_per_page' => 4, 'post__not_in' => $no_duplicates ) ); ?>

    changed in

    <?php $loop = new WP_Query( array( 'cat' => $category, 'posts_per_page' => 4, 'paged' => $paged,'post__not_in' => $no_duplicates ) ); ?>

    Then I added <?php leaf_pagination(); ?>

    before </article><!– .post-home –>

    that’s all… did not help

    1) You never have to edit the template files, but use a child theme for any changes, otherwise at first upgrade you lose all your customization. Anyway, in your case, you can have what you want without changing code.
    2) You have uselessly modified two sections that aren’t displayed on your site. On your site there’s only “more articles section”, so it’s normal that you don’t see modification. So, restore the original Leaf theme and don’t change it.
    3) If you want a home page with no slider, posts shown as you have now and with pagination, just use the theme blog version.
    Create a blank page, call home or blog or whatever you want. Choose the “Blog” template in the drop-down menu.
    Then Settings -> Reading: choose a static page as the home page and select the empty page you have created, and save. Show Home page in custom menu.

    Thread Starter user-press


    I do not quite understand (

    tell me how to make the home page only “more articles section”, without slider, display posts in all categories on the main page and with pagination?

    So, restore the original Leaf theme and don’t change it.

    Create a blank page, call home or blog or whatever you want. Choose the “Blog” template in the drop-down menu.
    Then Settings -> Reading: choose a static page as the home page and select the empty page you have created, and save. Show Home page in custom menu.

    Thread Starter user-press


    tizz, there are other options or no?

    This is what user-press want.
    he want the default home page like the demo at that has slide,display some categories and with the More Article section.

    however he want
    1.the slide removed
    2.he want pagination just below the more article list of posts.

    1 the slide can be remove check the forum every well
    2.on pagination, i dnt think it can be done i have as this question before.

    i ask one blogger he provide this about pagination can u guys study it wheather pagination can be attain at the more article area.
    i love this theme,but pagination not at the home page is preventing me from using it.

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