Hi plugin authors!
I’m reviewing your plugin for suitability. Currently testing through Paypal sandbox on my dev site using Express option.
When I complete a subscription new members are added successfully – which is great. I do however as JPBAKER seems to suggest need to manually upgrade the new user from subscriber to the user role I have set for the membership level.
e.g. Gold Membership = Author (role name: gold_membership)
Gold+ Membership = Author (role name: gold_plus_membership)
Platinum Membership = Author (role name: platinum_membership)
Each of these membership levels have limits to the number of posts and post_types that they can contribute to – I have this working already!
So, your plugin offers the final piece of my jigsaw puzzle and if I am able to automatically assign each membership level to the role my task is complete – and your plugin is hugely valuable!
Please let me know if you can further assist.
Kind regards