• Loving this plugin! Definitely saved me A LOT of time trying to implement quicksand on my own, with my precarious PHP skills, and my inexistent jQuery knowledge.

    So, It looks great so far… I managed to style it a little bit (set .nimble-portfolio-rollerbg’s bg image to none, and put a nice solid border), although I guess once I install the premium version it’ll be easier to do so.

    So, first question! I just purchased Premium… Paypal payment is ready and… what do I do now? Couldn’t find a download or license link/info anywhere. Do I have to wait to receive something? An e-mail?

    Second, if you notice here (I’m deactivating “Coming Soon” mode for you to see it! Hope you can help!): https://fablecraft.net/ you will notice that the plugin, for some reason, gets spread between 2 different sections, although it’s been called from just one. Let me explain myself:

    The home page is divided by sections, easily noticeable by the change of bg color from white to grey and viceversa, every other section. The portfolio is being called in the “Our latest work” section, however for some odd reason I haven’t been able to explain, half of it is drawn in that section, and the other one in the next one (see the background color change right under categories? That should happen right above “From the Blog”). It’s weird, because I’ve double and triple checked that all div’s and sections are properly opened-closed, and that the plugin is being called IN the section. I even made up a block just to wrap around it, and no dice. Also, if you notice, the portfolio is un-clickable.

    Odd thing, if I write some random text after calling the plugin, just floating around, not an empty <p>, <div>, or any other element… but text… it’s properly wrapped! Since it doesn’t work with any other empty elements, I tried using some text in RGBA(255,255,255,0), which although it worked, of course was not the idea :).

    Third! Can I have 2 separate portfolio galleries? I don’t know if it’s possible, but I’d love it if I could have just the “latest” items on my homepage, and a full list on a separate, independent page.

    Fourth: Can I restyle the actual project page? Let me explain myself: I’m keeping the sidebar for my blog posts, but most pages and other content will be full width. My theme comes with an included “full width” template, but I noticed I couldn’t choose the different template. Is there a way to “attach a template to the portfolio item page?

    Fifth! Image sizes. The plugin is currently using a “large” image… I guess original size? The thing is, being such a large file, and not being resized, we see quite the cropped picture. If I add a new, smaller size to my theme functions, is there any way I can rewrite some stuff to use that image size instead of th original one?

    Sixth, and probably the least feasible one… can I use some solution other than lightbox? I think it’s absolutely fantastic that I have both a link to “Read More” and “View project”. It’s just perfect, for example, for my wife who has her graphic design projects originally on Behance. Now my question aims at this: I’d love to have the “Read More” AND the picture to link to the same page… maybe in a lightbox-kind thing, but the coolest thing would be if I could just “make it appear” through the very same quicksand system. So, I click either “Read More” or the pic, and a short text (I could use excerpts) “quicksands” in, just like every item in the portfolio, but maybe full width, explaining briefly what the project is, and having a link to the full “view project”. Is it possible? Or any other idea you may have to have the user read a quick info about the project without leaving the page.

    Hope I didn’t ask too many things at once… well, I know I did, but hope it’s not an issue :). Thanks for the great work!


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