• Maybe someone has a fix for this or an idea. I use Kramer, a great plugin that pulls the URLs of blogs that link to mine and then lists those blogs in my sidebar. They do this by getting the information from Technorati.


    https://blog.therealcostarica.com (bottom left sidebar)

    The problem is that Technorati is now permitting SPAM blogs who then link to thousands of other blogs. This then causes Kramer to list the spam blogs as blogs that link to me! Ugh.

    I wrote to Technorati 2-3 weeks ago, got a form reply, then nothing, not a word, so it appears Technorati doesn’t really care much about this problem.

    Obviously, this will make Kramer, a handy little plugin, absolutely useless.

    I have been in touch with the Kramer dev team, but I wonder of somone has a bright idea how to get this crap off my site (other than disabling Kramer).


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  • I had the same problem with spammers.
    I added nofollow to Kramer. From line 1056

    if ($results) {
    foreach ($results as $result) {
    $entries .= "$beforeitem<a rel=\"nofollow\" href=\"$result->comment_author_url\">$result->comment_author</a>$afteritem";

    They may still be seen but their effort is wasted.

    Any new updates to this? Just started getting my first waves of “referral spam” from Kramer and Technorati.

    This “nofollow” code…it only allows the reader to NOT click the link? Some of the referrals coming across have some really raunchy titles that I do not want even showing up.

    Would anyone know how to contact the creator of Kramer and add a function that allows you to moderate the links via the email notifications? Basically meaning, currently the plugin will notify me of new links…but can I have it set so that I have to moderate them first?

    Or being as it’s tied in with the wordpress comment system…should I just change it there?

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