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  • Plugin Support angelo_nwl


    someone share this snippet which you can try or modify

    add_filter('nav_menu_css_class', 'current_type_nav_class', 10, 2);
    function current_type_nav_class($css_class, $item) {
    $post_type = get_query_var('post_type');
    if (get_post_type()=='event') {
        $current_value = "current_page_parent";
        $css_class = array_filter($css_class, function ($element) use ($current_value) { return ($element != $current_value); } );
    if ($item->attr_title != '' && $item->attr_title == $post_type) {
        array_push($css_class, 'current_page_parent');
    return $css_class;

    As for where to paste this :

    Thread Starter PDidee


    Okay that works for the navbar not highlighting “Blog” but my bread crumbs still show up as “Home->Blog->Event Title”

    But now the add new event and events submenus are gone. ??

    Are your breadcrumbs generated by your theme or via a plugin?

    Can you post a link? That’ll make it easier to work out what’s happening with the navbar.

    Thread Starter PDidee


    it’s been incorporated into the theme but was a plugin called “Simple Breadcrumb Navigation”

    Plugin Support angelo_nwl


    maybe you can try to check your theme breadcrumb for this and/or ask your theme provider for this issue since EM is custom post type.

    Plugin Author Marcus (aka @msykes)


    I’d recommend Yoast Breadcrumbs (included in WordPress SEO plugin), as that is knwon to work well with EM.

    Thread Starter PDidee


    Currently my pages are set up as follows:

    Event List: Is on a page called “Training” with a shortcode to display the list of events. This is great no changes needed to this page.

    Event Single: looks great except for the section right above the page which contains the page title and breadcrumbs. The theme (Sterling) uses a template part to display this. There is a woocommerce option I have tweaked were the page.php detects if the current page is the woocommerce product page and displays an alternative template part. I figure this same logic can be applied to the event single page. I’m just not sure how to write the conditional code since I’m a little shaky on my php coding.

    Here is the conditional code that looks for the woocommerce product page and replaces the template part with the alternative “template-part-woocommerce-banner.php”:

    // Check for WooCommerce. If true, load WooCommerce custom layout.
    if ( class_exists( 'woocommerce' ) && ( ( 'true' == is_woocommerce() ) || ( 'true' == is_checkout() ) || ( 'true' == is_cart() ) || ( 'true' == is_account_page() ) ) ) : ?>
        <section class="small_banner">
            <?php get_template_part( 'template-part-woocommerce-banner', 'childtheme' ); ?>

    I’m using a child theme as well. So I can replace the modified page.php in the child theme directory. Just need help writing the “else if” code.


    Plugin Author Marcus (aka @msykes)


    you can something like


    see /em-template-tags.php near the bottom for a list of ones you can use

    Thread Starter PDidee


    Figured it out. I created my own template-part-banner and modified template:

    <section class="small_banner">
                <div class="center-wrap ">
                        <p class="page-banner-heading">Training</p>
                        <div id="banner-search">
                    <form method="get" class="searchform" action="">
            <input type="text" name="s" class="s" value="Search..." onfocus="if(this.value=='Search...')this.value='';" onblur="if(this.value=='')this.value='Search...';" />
    </form>            </div><!-- end #banner-search -->
       <div class="breadcrumbs"><a href="">Home</a> → <span class='breadcrumbs'><a href="">Training</a> </span> → <span class='current_crumb'><a href="<?php the_permalink() ?>" rel="bookmark" title="Permanent Link to <?php the_title_attribute(); ?>"><?php the_title(); ?></a></span></div><!-- end .breadcrumbs -->
          </div><!-- end .center-wrap -->
        <div class="shadow top"></div>
        <div class="shadow bottom"></div>
        <div class="tt-overlay"></div>
      </section><!-- END content-container -->
    Thread Starter PDidee


    Is there a way to get rid of the “Map not available” verbiage when an event has no physical address?

    Plugin Support angelo_nwl


    you can change that using template file at templates/placeholders/locationmap.php

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