• Resolved RShufford


    I had previously installed JSDelivr CDN plugin, but when i would click the “apply” button nothing would happen so i uninstalled it.
    After a couple of days i decided to try the plugin again.

    Now when i click the update CDN Data button i get this error:

    Date: Fri, 06 Sep 2013 19:57:35 GMT
    HTTP status: 0
    Server output

    Please Help! I would really like to use this plugin.


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  • Thread Starter RShufford


    I have clicked the update CDN Data button again and i no longer get the error mentioned above. But still, when i would click the “apply” button nothing happens.
    Any help would greatly appreciated.
    If needed this is my site: https://www.hitechdigitallifestyle.com

    I’m using jsDelivr from a long time, till 3.6 it was fine, now in 3.6.1 this plugin cannot recognize my files anymore, showing me the same every single time I scan my site or update cdn data.

    Plugin Author jimaek


    Please try again. Our hosting provider changed servers and temporary there were issues that could create your problem.

    Thank you

    Hey brother, I have done rest and clicked on the update CDN Data, but now it just keep showing that Update cdn data button. When I click on it, it start showing processing and then back to Update CDN Data button.

    now im getting this meggage

    Date: Sat, 05 Oct 2013 23:12:23 GMT
    HTTP status: 520
    Server output:
    <html><body>Fetching of original content failed with the following error: Proxy Publisher Failure - TIMEOUT. If you own this domain, please consult <a href='https://code.google.com/speed/pss/faq.html#publisherfailure'>this FAQ</a>.</body></html>

    Plugin Author jimaek


    I think you got timeout or RAM problems.
    On my website the update process takes about 10 seconds without any issues.

    Same problem



    Got same problem tonight. After some walk into php, data returned by hash URL is bad.

    You need to remove HTML comment at the end (containing cache time).

    Add this in jsdelivr.php :

    protected function update_cdn()
          global $wpdb;
          $data = $this->get_content(self::update_cdn_url);
          if (!$data)
            return false;
          // truncate tables
          $wpdb->query("TRUNCATE TABLE ".$wpdb->jsd_cdnp);

    Only preg_replace line to add.



    I just installed the plugin and I returned the following error:

    Date: Thu, 21 Nov 2013 22:49:54 GMT
    HTTP status: 500
    Server output:

    any idea how I can fix?

    Thanks in advance



    Doesn’t work on WP3.7.1.

    update CDN data:

    Date: Thu, 28 Nov 2013 17:07:23 GMT
    HTTP status: 500
    Server output:



    increasing wordpress memory allocation to 96M helped:

    define( 'WP_MEMORY_LIMIT', '96M' );

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