Putting shadows of different colors to some texts
Hi BlackNeko
Use Firebug to pinpoint the CSS selector you want to change and delete the space between the # and 8, your hex code should be #8F7. If your theme doesn’t have built-in custom CSS in the admin, make sure you are using a child theme or something like the Custom Code area in WooDojo that allows you to add custom CSS right in the dashboard.
Hope this helps!
Thanks for helpme, I’m new in this world of html, css, wordpress and themes and i am little confused right now. I dont know what you mean by
“If your theme Does not Have built-in custom CSS in the admin, make sure you are using a child theme or something like the Custom Code area”
I really like that nobita who knows where things are located in his theme tell me where to place the shadows statements within function.php or style.css file so i can customize separate texts as previously indicated in the capture. Anyway i will try find it with firebug as you recommended me ??
Hi BlackNeko,
You’re welcome! If you make changes to your theme, but then update your theme in the future, all of your changes will be gone because the update will overwrite them. So, make sure you are either using a child theme or install WooDojo and use the Custom Code feature of that module. Here’s more info on child themes:
Using Firebug will help you become more familiar with HTML and CSS. It’s a great way to “look under the hood” so to speak and see what makes things look a certain way on a website.
Good luck with your site!
Thanks a lot very helpful the child theme you show me ?? I did not know that exist! but right now i blowaway my blog because i create my raindrops-child theme and create style.css and here come the new problem i create a function.php trying to put in the code that nobita give to me to customize my menus panels. The code is this:
<?php raindrops_register_styles("BlackNeko"); function raindrops_indv_css_BlackNeko(){ $base_color_settings = raindrops_indv_css_dark(); $extend_color_settings =<<<STYLE /*round corner*/ .rsidebar > ul > li, .lsidebar > ul > li{ border:1px solid #555; margin:5px 0; border-radius:5px; } STYLE; return $base_color_settings . $extend_color_settings; } ?>
so the question is how i can put this code in my child functions.php without the blog goes all blank page? sorry for my english
ok nevermind i screw up all the theme so i delete and reinstall the raindrops theme, now with a fresh raindrops install i create the child theme and i started to add my customizations all over again to the child style.css including that function in function.php and work almost all of it.
I try to Put shadows of different colors to some texts i asked at the beginning of this post but i really cant find where to put those in the style.css ??the other problem is i cant change anymore the color of the menu links and put to them text shadows, i do it previously by a code given by nobita in functions.php the links now are white. https://www.blackneko.net
this is the code given by nobita where I had previously changed the shadows and text color. this code was inside the file functions.php/*Menu Bar Colors Settings*/ #access{ background:-moz-linear-gradient(top, #636363 0%, #1C1C1C 100%); background:-webkit-linear-gradient(top, #636363 0%, #1C1C1C 100%); background:-webkit-gradient(linear, left top, left bottom, color-stop(0, #636363), color-stop(1, #1C1C1C)); } #access .children a, #access .sub-menu a, #access a { color:#1A6FF8; background:-moz-linear-gradient(top, #636363 0%, #1C1C1C 100%); background:-webkit-linear-gradient(top, #636363 0%, #1C1C1C 100%); background:-webkit-gradient(linear, left top, left bottom, color-stop(0, #636363), color-stop(1, #1C1C1C)); text-shadow: 0 0 0.2em #000; } #access .children a:hover, #access .sub-menu a:hover, #access a:hover { color:#0AB8F7; text-shadow: 0 0 0.2em #000; /*background:#fff;*/ }
I try to copy it to the child style.css but dont work at all.
I solve almost all problems right now ?? only two problems remain:
1)The Post title, i have put the shadow code in .entry-title in the style.css is the same for the Page title, and its work, both Page title and Post title have the same shadow effect, but the font color of the Page title are white and is ok i like it, but Post title is purple like others links and i like to change it to white like Page title.
2)And i like to change both to
i try but i cant get this two little thinks soved.Hi BlackNeko,
I find it odd that you had to put something in your functions.php file just to change some styles; this isn’t normal. You should usually be able to simply customize your styles in your child theme stylesheet. You can even customize by page based on either the body class, article id, article class or anything else that distinguishes a particular page/post or even category. But, I digress; here is the fix for your Post Title font color:
Change the hex code for the color property of this style rule to #FFFFFF so:
.entry-title a:link, .entry-title a:active, .entry-title a:visited, .entry-title a:hover { color: #7051AA; }
.entry-title a:link, .entry-title a:active, .entry-title a:visited, .entry-title a:hover { color: #FFFFFF; }
Hope this helps!
i have to put color:#FFFFFF!important; and works good, without the !important dont work. Thanks for all the help and for teching my about child themes ??
Hi BlackNeko,
I’m glad you were able to find a way to get your styles to work.
You’re welcome!
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