• Resolved leejosepho


    I think I might be in my final stage of learning how BPS handles edits, saves and backups, and I thank you for your patience and clear explanations!

    I just did the BULLETPROOF .49.1 update (four individual and completely separate sites), I presently have the big yellow banner at the top of each site’s Dashboard and I am going to leave things just like that until I know exactly how to work inside BPS properly rather than manually editing my .htaccess files via FTP like I have been doing.

    In the past, my .htaccess modifications I have been doing manually via FTP have not been showing up in my BPS editors…and maybe that is because I had not set permissions properly beforehand. But after doing the BPS .49.1 update a few minutes ago, I *do* now see my previously-FTP-modified files in the BPS editors.

    Question: Will my modifications disappear if I click “Create secure.htaccess file” in BPS or will they again be read from the file and be included like they obviously were during the update? Also, will the “Create secure.htaccess file” button cause BPS to add the various comment lines I had previously removed FTP?

    What I would like to know here is how and/or where “square one” is defined before I click any button after the BPS .49.1 update.


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  • Thread Starter leejosepho


    To possibly ask my question in a simpler way: If I make manual edits to my files at the different sites while BPS is deactivated and then reactivate BPS at each, will it again read my files in just as I have them at that time? If so, I believe that could get me to the kind of “square one” I am looking for, then I can always later have BPS “begin from scratch” if or when something might get messed up.

    Thread Starter leejosepho


    Also, how far up on my BPS .htaccess sheet for a given site can I put this without possibly breaking something else…

    # ref https://calladeveloper.blogspot.com/2013/04/global-wordpress-brute-force-attacks.html
    <IfModule mod_rewrite.c>
    RewriteEngine on
    RewriteCond %{REQUEST_METHOD} =POST
    RewriteCond %{HTTP_REFERER} !^https://(.*)?.example.com [NC]
    RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} ^/wp-login\.php(.*)$ [OR]
    RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} ^/wp-admin$
    RewriteRule ^(.*)$ - [R=403,L]


    Plugin Author AITpro


    If you have custom .htacces code saved to BPS Custom Code then it is saved permanently and it will always be written to your .htaccess files when you use the AutoMagic buttons and activate BulletProof Modes again. If you have NOT saved your custom code to BPS Custom Code then it will not be included in your .htaccess files if you use the AutoMagic buttons again and activate BulletProof Modes at a later time.

    So I think that answer to the starting point/square one question is you would save any personal/custom .htaccess code/plugin skip/bypass rules/Bonus Code/etc to BPS Custom Code, then click your AutoMagic buttons and then activate BulletProof Modes. I believe the Custom Code video tutorial link explains that generally on the BPS Custom Code page.

    To put it nicely that code above is amateurish, has several coding mistakes and is not an effective approach to brute force login attacks. If you are lucky it will just not work at all at what it is claiming to do. If you are unlucky then it will not work and your website will be broken. NOT Recommended that you use that code on your website.

    The Simple Query String Login page protection code in the link below is what you want to use. It allows only you to be able to login to your site – all hackers, spammers, brute force login attacks are redirected away from your login page.

    Thread Starter leejosepho


    To put it nicely that code above is amateurish… NOT Recommended that you use that code on your website.

    I thank you, and I will nix it.

    The Simple Query String Login page protection code in the link below is what you want to use. It allows only you to be able to login to your site…

    I cannot do that (unless I learn how to add ranges, and I might do that later on) since others need to be able to get in also…and I again thank you.

    If you have custom .htacces code saved to BPS Custom Code…

    I had once done that in the past and then removed it from there and then re-added those and even more modifications manually via FTP.

    …saved to BPS Custom Code…saved permanently and it will always be written to your .htaccess files when you use the AutoMagic buttons and activate BulletProof Modes again.

    Here is my dilemma in understanding things here:

    The BPS htaccess File Editor currently displays the default BPS secure.htaccess file (including all comment lines), but this morning the BPS .49.1 update turned on permissions (no complaint from me there) and added the new lines to my previously-FTP-edited file that has never been in the BPS Custom Code and BPS-saved anywhere (at least not by my doing) and does *not* include all the default comment lines normally found in the default BPS secure.htaccess file. So, BPS apparently read my manually edited file during the update, but I have no idea whether BPS has saved that anywhere and I do not want to just paste my entire modified file into the editor and lose access to the default BPS secure.htaccess file I might later need if something goes haywire somewhere.

    If you have NOT saved your custom code to BPS Custom Code then it will not be included in your .htaccess files if you use the AutoMagic buttons again and activate BulletProof Modes at a later time.

    I think I understand there, but I have yet to get to that point since I first need a new “square one”…

    So I think that answer to the starting point/square one question is you would save any personal/custom .htaccess code/plugin skip/bypass rules/Bonus Code/etc to BPS Custom Code, then click your AutoMagic buttons and then activate BulletProof Modes. I believe the Custom Code video tutorial link explains that generally on the BPS Custom Code page.

    Again, I understand there. However, I do not understand what happened this morning when the BPS .49.1 update added its new lines to my previously-FTP-edited file (that has never been added as BPS Custom Code) but it did not restore all the default comment lines…and I do not want to proceed until I know how to get back to “square one” either today or at some future time after something might have gone haywire somewhere.

    Question: If I deactivate and uninstall BPS with an eventual “square one” in mind, would there be things in my database that could or should be flushed before reinstalling and reactivating BPS at “square one”?

    Plugin Author AITpro


    We designed BPS differently then the typical WordPress plugin. BPS has built-in troubleshooting capabilities so deactivating and uninstalling BPS does nothing except for uninstall plugin files.

    These are the correct troubleshooting steps for BPS:

    If you are not using BPS Custom Code then no nothing is saved to your database. It is recommended that you use Custom Code to save your custom code permanently. Let’s say you do make a mistake in Custom Code and you cannot get back into your website. All you would need to do is these steps to fix the problem.

    1. FTP to your website and delete your root .htacess file.
    2. Log back into your site and go to Custom Code and fix the code that caused the problem and save your changes.
    3. Go to the Security Modes page, click the AutoMagic buttons again and activate root folder BulletProof Mode again.

    Thread Starter leejosepho


    If you are not using BPS Custom Code then no nothing is saved to your database.

    I understand, but I do not know what might already or still be there now since I had used BPS Custom Code in the past and then later deleted my additions (after having changed my mind about some of them as well as) after having made BPS backups and such. So if this sounds right to you, here is what I am going to do:

    1) Make my own manual backups of the current htaccess file at each site;
    2) Manually set permissions to 0644;
    3) Have BPS write, save and backup all default BPS files;
    4) Assume that to be a BPS “square one”;
    5) Do things properly from then on.

    Might that get me to where I think I want to be?!

    I think my dilemma all along has been in trying to add things via BPS without having fist set permissions as they need to be in order to do that.

    Plugin Author AITpro


    If these are the methods that you prefer then it is perfectly fine to use these methods. Everyone prefers their own way of doing things so there are no right or wrong methods – whatever works best for you is what you should do.

    Thread Starter leejosepho


    If there is something you might normally suggest in place of my kind of logic, I am definitely listening before proceeding since that is all I can think of at the moment. I am slowly becoming aware of more of BPS’ overall potential in this area, but I am extremely visually-oriented and have yet to “see the picture”.

    Many thanks!

    Plugin Author AITpro


    I have explained the methods I use above, but like I said there are no right or wrong methods – only whatever works best for each person.

    Thread Starter leejosepho


    I thank you for you patience with me, and I have made it to my final question on all of this.

    Here is what I have done so far:
    1. manually edited and FTP-uploaded each site’s htaccess file exactly as as I want its final version to be (and mostly as BPS had previously made for me);
    2. clicked both “BulletProof Security Backup” buttons and found all to be well there (of course);
    3. clicked the BPS “Create Secure htaccess File” button.

    At this moment, then, the BPS editor shows “Your Current Root htaccess File” (that also happens to be my own final version) exactly as it should, and I do understand how to use the BPS editor to have BPS generate a customized “secure.htaccess” file that would be identical to what I already have in place. However, I want to get there differently. So…

    If I use the BPS editor to save “Your Current Root htaccess File” as “secure.htaccess” via my own copy-and-paste, will the BPS “Create Secure htaccess File” button later still be able to make the same “secure.htaccess” file it is engineered to make at “first use”?

    If not, that had been my entire concern here concerning “square one”, and I might just have to do things the BPS way rather than my own.

    Many thanks.

    Plugin Author AITpro


    Ok let me explain exactly what happens with BPS AutoMagic.
    There is standard BPS .htaccess code that is already pre-made/pre-created in the BPS plugin files and what happens when you click the AutoMagic buttons is BPS uses that pre-made/pre-created .htaccess code and ALSO looks for any .htaccess code that is saved in Custom Code text boxes. If NO code is found in a Custom Code text box then BPS will write its pre-made/pre-created .htaccess code. If Custom Code is found in any of the Custom Code text boxes then that .htaccess code will be used/created in your .htaccess files.

    The secure.htaccess file is the Master file that AutoMagic writes too. It will be overwritten each time you click the Create secure.htaccess File AutoMagic button. So as long as you do not click the AutoMagic button again then this file will NOT be overwritten. This is perfectly fine to do. You just have to remember NOT to click the AutoMagic buttons in the future.

    Plugin Author AITpro


    In other words, if you want to work with your own files via FTP instead of having BPS create them for you then just do not use BPS AutoMagic buttons.

    Thread Starter leejosepho


    There is standard BPS .htaccess code that is already pre-made/pre-created…(and) when you click the AutoMagic buttons BPS uses that…and ALSO looks for any .htaccess code that is saved in Custom Code text boxes.

    I would assume that is also when BPS makes an edit here…

    # Only Allow Internal File Requests From Your Website
    RewriteCond %{HTTP_REFERER} ^.*nnysandbox.net.*

    …but that is an aside and I am not asking any question there.

    The secure.htaccess file is the Master file that AutoMagic writes too…

    In other words, if you want to work with your own files via FTP instead of having BPS create them for you then just do not use BPS AutoMagic buttons.

    Understood…but then if I ever do later want to use the AutoMagic “Create secure.htaccess File” button to return to “square one”, my having previously saved a secure.htaccess of my own in the editor will not have “broken” or replaced whatever file BPS normally reads when “Create secure.htaccess File” is used for a *first* time? I think you have already answered that by saying “if you want to work with your own files via FTP … then just do not use BPS AutoMagic buttons”, but I want to be certain that button would still always do what it should (back to “square one”) even after I had saved my own secure.haccess there in the BPS editor.

    Plugin Author AITpro


    Yes, BPS will ALWAYS overwrite the existing secure.htaccess file when you click the Create secure.htaccess File AutoMagic button.

    Thread Starter leejosepho


    Yes, BPS will ALWAYS overwrite the existing secure.htaccess file…

    [with its own original code]

    …when you click the Create secure.htaccess File AutoMagic button.

    Cool beans.

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