• Hi!
    I want to write a few pages, like “terms”, “privacy” etc whose links are in the footer. I don’t want to have these pages published in the header.
    by default a new page like “contact” or “about” will appear and be accessible in the header.
    is there a way to do that ?

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  • Generally speaking, this depends on the theme you’re using. Most themes these days have custom menus enabled (from the Dashboard, hover on Appearances and select Menus). If you have header and footer menu locations set up, there you can completely customise what appears where.

    Thread Starter Annyeong56


    if what i want to do with pages is not possible, would you have a trick to share to create such links in the footer ?
    a trick using posts and widgets for instance, or a plugin
    i want to have an horizontal menu at the bottom of the footer with the usual links : terms of use, privacy, about etc…
    like you see on most websites.
    i’d like to avoid to go into the code.

    Try Footer Putter plugin

    If you’re comfortable going into the php files of your theme/child theme to make edits, then give me a link to your site and I can whip up some code.

    If you’re not comfortable, I’d suggest using a plugin instead.

    Thread Starter Annyeong56


    thanks guys !
    i tried footer putter. it looks nice.
    the footer they have on their website is exactly what i wanted to achieve.

    I have a footer already set with my theme, with tags, flickr, categories.
    and I’d like to add a footer like there is on the diywebmastery website, with the terms, privacy links.
    It won’t show in 2 footers one under the other if you add the “footer copyright widget” from the plugin as a footer widget.
    I understood I have to change the hook, but I don’t understand how to change that. There is a field in the plugins parameters where to type the hook name.
    Have you got any idea what to write there ?

    Thread Starter Annyeong56


    hi! ok, there is some progress. I have the footer appearing the way I want. nothing fancy, just a simple footer with links.
    I was not setting footer putter parameters correctly.

    Now, I still have issues with the plugin.
    How do you set pages.
    I would like that when I click a link (terms), I land on the Terms page.
    However, if I simply create a page, the page link will also appear in the header, which I dont want.
    I understood you have to make page templates.
    Is there a simple way to make a new page template ? or use a post instead of a custom page ?

    Try creating a custom menu.

    Thread Starter Annyeong56


    yes, i have built a custom menu. now, i can only add pages that have already been published in this menu.
    and the pages you publish have a link in the header.

    Thread Starter Annyeong56


    ok, well, for information for next guys who will face the same issue, i found a solution.
    it can be done easily by activating 2 plugins :
    – footer putter (to build the footer menu)
    – exclude page (to exclude a page from your main menu (which will usually be the header horizontal menu)

    There are other ways to do all that. I understood the page exclusion can be done very simply by code. you just have to indicate which page id you want to exclude. google wordpress page exclude for more details, there are websites that describe the process.

    It can be done also by building a custom menu, which I didnt understand well. I havent spend time understanding that way of doing either. But you have to go into coding.

    hope it helps

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