• Hi. I solved the problem with the recent posts displayed in the featured slider, now I have another question. I have multiple menu items, like “Latest News”, “Health”, “Tech”, etc. Let’s say I write a new article about the latest smartphones on the market. I will set the category as “Featured”, because I want it to show in the slider, it will show anyway, and the second category, let’s say “Tech”. If I post this new article, how can I force it to show not only in the recent posts, but in that menu too, the “Tech” menu, and all this automatically, every time I post a new one?

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  • I assume your menu items are category links? If that’s the case, then you just need to assign ‘Tech’ to that post as a category. You can assign multiple categories to individual posts, as many as you like, and the post will show up in each category stream.

    Thread Starter raul_coca


    No, I didn’t have the menu items listed as category, because when I created my menu, I put the menu items from “Pages”, not from “Categories”. I replaced all the menu items with categories and it works just fine. But there is only one problem. Only registered users can see these posts when clicking one of the menu items. They can see the start page, where I have my recent posts, but if they access one category from the menu items, nothing appears.

    Could you provide the url so we can check it out?

    Thread Starter raul_coca



    I just saw a behaviour that repeats everytime. If I access my menus and change the position of let’s say the menu “Actualitate” with “Politica”, the posts appear suddenly. And if I change their position as it was before, the posts appear where it should. This is really annoying…

    Let’s say I make this slight adjustment by changing some positioning, but the problem continues when I want to delete a post. If you’re not logged in, you will still see the post with the thumbnail and the excerpt in the menu, but when you want to see the post and click on it, it says that it can’t be found. I don’t know what’s the problem. This issues appeared only after I replaced the menu items that were pages with categories, because I wanted recent posts to be displayed in a certain menu by category.

    And another thing. When you’re not logged in, the page appears slightly different from the page that appears when you’re logged in. Meaning that if I erase a post, that post still appears when you’re not logged in. I have a sidebar widget that displays my recent posts and the post I erased is present there too. But if I change the positioning of the menu items again, it dissappears. I really don’t understand what’s happening.

    Thread Starter raul_coca


    If I want to add a new post and tag it with a category that already has a post, this new post doesn’t appear on that menu either. I assume that if I reposition the menu items this post will show, but this temporarily solves a problem that shouldn’t have appeared.

    I need this to be fixed asap because I won’t be able to do this over and over again, especially when I will have new articles daily.

    Thread Starter raul_coca


    Another thing I discovered. If I want to move or delete one of my widgets, it dissappears or moves only after I change one of the menu items’ position. Again, the same thing, I’m going mad right now…

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