Plugin is in the code but doesnt display anything
Hi all,
I’ve inserted the sample code and even tried my own code to display the plugin but I’m not having any luck.When I right click the big white space it has inserted and inspect element I can see it has inserted some code but it doesn’t appear to be complete.
[ Moderator note: please wrap code in backticks or use the code button. ]
<div id="flxmap-52358c6f33c7d" class="flxmap-container" data-flxmap="flxmap_52358c6f33c7d" style="width:100%;height:400px;"></div> <div id="flxmap-52358c6f33c7d-dir" class="container"></div> <script> /* <![CDATA[ */ (function(w, fn) { if (w.addEventListener) w.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", fn, false); else if (w.attachEvent) w.attachEvent("onload", fn); })(window, function() { var f = new FlexibleMap(); f.markerDirections = true; f.markerDirectionsDiv = "flxmap-52358c6f33c7d-dir"; f.setlocale("en-US"); f.markerTitle = "Adelaide Hills"; f.showMarker("flxmap-52358c6f33c7d", [-34.916721,138.828878], [-34.916721,138.828878]); window.flxmap_52358c6f33c7d = f; }); /* ]]> */ </script>
It’s like it’s missing all of the divs etc inside the main div. I am guessing I may be missing some essential javascript because I’ve had this working on another site.
You can see the page here. Click on the Bell (Day at the stones) thanks.
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