Hi there, this is the code that prints out the site tagline:
get_template_part( 'greeting' );
It calls in this file: greeting.php.
You can add it to any files where you’d like it to be displayed in addition to the homepage.
For example, to get it at the top of all Pages, add it to page.php below this line:
but before the closing php tag, which looks like this: ?>
To get it at the top of all single posts, add it to single.php in the same spot. Same with category.php and any other template files you’d like.
You could alternatively add it to the bottom of header.php at the bottom of the file. That would get it displayed absolutely everywhere. In that case you’d need to comment out the same line in index.php (around line 162 but please verify) so you don’t get it disdplayed twice on the homepage.
get_template_part( 'greeting' );
Be careful to save a backup of the original file first and ideally make sure this works first on a local install or a test copy of your site before transferring the file to your live site.
Just a heads-up that the best way to make changes to a theme is to use a child theme if you didn’t make a child theme, otherwise all your changes will be overwritten when you update the theme.
Here are some guides in case you haven’t made one before: