Wow, thanks for a quick response.
OK, I think I found the solution. Although the code on my page isn’t perfect, I was able to get rid of the dot’s by doing the following:
I went to your widgets setting and did the following:
1. I set the Speed to 100000000 (some large number) since I didn’t want it to scroll.
2. I set the pause to 10000000 (some large number) again.
This solved the issue and now the dots are gone.
So what this means is that I had the Speed and Pause blank (meaning, I didn’t have anything) on your setting.
What this also means that it wasn’t a jquary issue, but somethning in your widget setting that if you leave the Speed and Pause blank, it showed the dot’s.
Does this make sense?
If I can make a suggestion.
1. Can you make an option to NOT to scroll
2. Have the user select as many reviews as possible, don’t just limit to 3 as it currently is.
Anyway, this is a great plugin and I plan to use it