Oh, Andrew, that was almost cruel. (oh ok, I”m giggling here)
+RdellConsulting Great, thank you ??
I did mine a little different by declaring which image to use at which point But YOURS IS SO NICE AND CLEAN I can’t resist. TY’s for the lines.
Anyone having issues with the “info” buttons/icons/things are the front page we can activate or not?
The memo said we could click on them? (*Nope*)
The *thing* with the data-types and methods on it I’ve not a clue what a person would call that, anyway, nothing there is clickable, drilldown-able, for something intended for comprehensive help I’m finding it a tad on the lacking side, although I’d would like to say the customizer seems to be coming along a little more. That’s nice to see.
I do have another issue with my top bar, which I had installed a module on to customize it.. yes, yes, I believe we have a naming conflict, because now when I click on it, I get the frontpage thing. Is there anyway to turn off that front page “uh..customizer thing” where we enter the parameters we want.. I just really dislike those things in general, I should have spoke up when wp started doing it. I thought it was a fad…
info and coding-cheatsheet both are non-drilldownable and no clickable. (however on the info icon when I mouse over I do get a function, but it’s pretty much the same one each time)
conflict in naming conventions “customizer theme and customizer bar” just an fyi
thank you for everything, Kudo’s to you, and Kudo’s to the man above for the very clean CSS he was so nice to put into pasti bin for us.
TY’s ??