• Resolved gdisalvo


    Hi Mike,

    I know you answered this and gave a few suggestions but….No Swimmers are registered for swim meets. We have the swimmers registered for the season, but the registration for the meet / event is not getting used. At least at the moment. So without the details getting generated, I have a hard time to dump a meet that is gender specific. They are empty. Some meets I will require this registration process. Then I should be able to send a file over.

    Trying to call class object function directly. See below with example.
    I can gather swimmers by gender and then trying to pass them into these functions but it is not generating hy3 files.
    I get the message “No Season Id.”

    Any help to dump a roster file only by gender. I thought if I can get just a gender in the form, that the form would pick up the split/filter records and produce a gender specific file.

    Declare class with include or required.
    create instance for needed class.

    $hy3->generateHY3($swimmerIds) ;
    $Base->generateHY3File() ;

    $Export->setExportFileExtension(‘.hy3’) ;
    $Export->setExportFile(urlencode($hy3->getHY3File())) ;

    Any idea on what I can do to create this needed file?
    If I used the roster file – > Export Hy3 – it does create a FULL team file. Genders mixed (ALL). At least through front end (form) it is working. Only issue is too much data like parent info and other stuff. I think this can be commented out later.

    Thanks for the help.


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  • Plugin Author Mike Walsh


    What you want to do isn’t easy, certainly not the way you are trying to do it. I was thinking about your problem while I was at the gym this morning and decided to make some enhancements to the roster export.

    Do you think this will address your problem?

    Thread Starter gdisalvo


    Hi Mike,

    Totally. That will work against the full roster. I can always deal with the total data. Some how. If you can release that now – I can help test it.

    Also, if you could do one more addition after that release. Include another selection for the additional data areas after the D0 and D1 records.

    Address, Parents, and such can be options records. Include all mandatory data and have another check box for optional HY-TEK Record types like check option include these or not. It could create records fast too.
    $d2 = new HY3D2Record() ;
    $d3 = new HY3D3Record() ;
    $d4 = new HY3D4Record() ;
    $d5 = new HY3D5Record() ;
    $d6 = new HY3D6Record() ;
    $d7 = new HY3D7Record() ;
    $d8 = new HY3D8Record() ;
    $d9 = new HY3D9Record() ;
    $da = new HY3DARecord() ;
    $db = new HY3DBRecord() ;
    $dc = new HY3DCRecord() ;
    $dd = new HY3DDRecord() ;
    $de = new HY3DERecord() ;
    $df = new HY3DFRecord() ;

    Plugin Author Mike Walsh


    I am not sure what you are asking for here – the HY3 Roster export already includes all of possible HY3 records (D0 – DF). Are you asking for the ability optionally skip the D2-DF records?

    Here is a link to an example roster export where you can see all of the records for a small roster of 8 swimmers.

    Including or not including the D2-DF records will have negligible performance difference on the roster generation. It already runs pretty quickly and Meet Manager doesn’t seem to care one way or the other if the records are empty or not.

    Is your goal to eliminate the extra contact information from your Meet Manager database?

    Thread Starter gdisalvo


    YES – A way to filter out HY3 adding those extra details of parents and such. Yes, Optionally skip them.

    Performance was not an issue just thought it may improve. Thanks for the feedback.

    Plugin Author Mike Walsh


    You achieve the same result of the filtered HY3 export using the MM Registration format (RE1), it has a very minimal amount of data in it.

    Thread Starter gdisalvo


    it seems like all work fine under roster.


    These are good to go.

    This is where the issue comes in.
    USER (TAB) +++++
    NOT WORKING ++++

    ALL Working. Not sure if I tested / did all of them but confident that all work.

    Plugin Author Mike Walsh


    The Roster Export from the Roster Tab and the User Export from the User tab are unrelated so I the fact that one works but one does not doesn’t really provide any clues. However, if the Mangage->Users->Export CSV doesn’t work but the Reports->Users does, that does provide some clues.

    How many custom fields do you have defined for Users?

    Thread Starter gdisalvo


    I have 17 optional fields.
    #17 is not used and showing

    User Option #17 – Disabled.

    Plugin Author Mike Walsh


    Quick update – this morning I finished two of the four roster exports. I have CSV and RE1 working. It took a little longer than I thought it would. It turns out there was a bug in the existing RE1 export which results in a database query warning. I have fixed that problem, finished CSV and RE1, and started on HY3. I expect I will have a beta available sometime tonight as I am out for the day with softball and soccer.

    Plugin Author Mike Walsh


    I have everything working and have built a preliminary release. Before I post it I have run into a problem with phpHtmlLib which I also made some changes to. I cannot get the changes committed to SourceForge (where it is hosted).

    SourceForge made changes to their Subversion repositories earlier this year and for the most part I haven’t had any problems but I can’t get the code to commit.

    I may move the phpHtmlLib 2.x branch over to GitHub if I can’t figure this out. It is always something …

    Thread Starter gdisalvo


    Hi Mike,

    Do you want me to test with getting the code submitted to Subversion?


    Is this how wordpress accepts the newest version to be posted for plugin downloads?

    I can take as is because I am working in XAMPP and I have backups.
    Also, I changed some of the core code to allow my version to display the description verses opponent in the dashboard area.

    Plugin Author Mike Walsh


    This isn’t a simple question to answer. In phpHtmlLib there is a ton of extra stuff that the WordPress plugin version of it doesn’t use. When I make a change to it, there is a ‘build’ process of sort that packages it up as a WordPress plugin. Without being able to check it into SourceForge’s Subversion repository, I can’t run the build process.

    What I may be able to do is comment out the calls to the new code in wp-SwimTeam as it should still work, it just won’t look correct on the form.

    As for your changes, anytime you modify a plugin’s files you risk losing your changes when the plugin is updated. Do you know how many files you changed? You’ll have to fold those same changes into the updated plugin once I release it.

    Plugin Author Mike Walsh


    I finally got my SourceForge Subversion issues sorted out. Not surprisingly, it was a “duh” type issue (http: vs https:) which was preventing my from committing code. Unfortunately the error message wasn’t very helpful which is why I couldn’t see the obvious mistake.

    So I am making progress in getting a release ready to go. I just my Linux VM to update to I can run the phpHtmlLib documentation generation script (it won’t run under Cygwin) and then I’ll push a new phpHtmlLib release out. Once I’ve done that I will put the beta release of wp-SwimTeam on my web site.

    Plugin Author Mike Walsh


    I have just released a beta version of wp-SwimTeam (v1.40-beta-3) which provides the new roster export functionality along with some other fixes.

    Thread Starter gdisalvo


    thanks Mike.

    I will download today and test it out to report back.

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