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  • Thread Starter Ricardo Castro


    Thanks for the sugestion wonky1,
    but I have a lot of Images to replace,
    does not exists any other way to fix this?
    And How about the featured Image? it won’t be SEO optimized?


    I can’t say for the featured image.. You could view the HTML side of it and add the tags this way, that’s the best bet.

    Unfortunately I can’t think of a quicker/easier way to do so besides manually pasting the ALT tags by the images.

    Thread Starter Ricardo Castro


    wonky1, can you write the first solution again? I don’t know how but it just disapeared

    Hi Ricardo,
    No problem;

    please see this post for a workaround I’ve come up with.
    It IS a dirty workaround but it does work.


    Or you could do as so;

    Eventually I found a very simple fix, it’s dirty ok but works.
    Insert your IMG ALT text AFTER the shortcode but BEFORE the closing tags, like so;

    [lightbox group="photos1" info="true" link="https://mysite/piccy1.jpg"][image src="https://mysite/piccy1.jpg"]<img alt="piccy1.jpg">[/image][/lightbox]

    Note the img alt before the closing tags
    Again it’s a dirty workaround but works!

    Thread Starter Ricardo Castro


    And where I put this?

    Hi Ricardo,

    Ok in your shortcode string for your gallery you will have something similar to;

    [lightbox group="photos1"info="true" link="https://mysite/pic.jpg"][/image][/lightbox]

    Well you place the <img alt=”your alt tags”>
    In between the end of the string [..../pic.jpg"]HERE <img alt="your alt tags">BEFORE the closing tags [/image]/lightbox]

    This will be using the HTML view of your gallery page and NOT the text view, very important as you’re using HTML

    Hi guys,

    Sorry, wonky1, but where should this shortcode be placed?

    Thank you!

    If you’re using a shortcode for a gallery, you can add the HTML text for the plugin to associate the images, after the last image link in the shortcode but BEFORE the end of the string.

    Here’s an image to help aide you.. ??

    Remembering guys, this dirty fix worked for me because I am using a gallery..
    Wordpress SEO by Yeost would NOT work on a gallery but did on other images

    I hope this helps those who have the same issue.

    Thread Starter Ricardo Castro


    I’m not using a shortcode for the gallery, How can I add one?

    Thank you!

    Hi Ricardo,

    A lot would depend on what theme you’re using, what lightbox/gallery plugin you;re using IF any…

    If you do have one, read up on the plugins instructions and it’ll give you an idea on how to make a lightbox gallery and you can then take it form there.
    if you’re NOT using a gallery, are you saying the SEO plgin doesn’t recognise your images anyway?

    Thread Starter Ricardo Castro


    Yes, I upload a printscreen to you see the problem…

    I use wp post thumbnail,
    by the way the website is

    Hi Ricardo,

    In this case then I don’t think this fix will work for you sorry.
    Have you tried the HTML side of it? Can you add the tags that way?

    As you’re using Woocommerce, I’ve found this, don’t know if it will help you but perhaps take a look at the reviews?
    What I’ve read so far is that it does help…

    Thread Starter Ricardo Castro


    Sorry Wonky1,
    but I’m not buying one plugin extension when there are so many websites with problems using seo by yoast… like this one:

    I know that is a free plugin, but I was expecting more customer support (even in the free version).

    I’m gona look for a solution for a couple of days, maybe it will appear a upgrade that will resolve this…

    But many thanks for the advices!

    I know what you mean, they clearly state that NO support will be given AT ALL for free versions.. ouch!

    But either way good luck, this was the only way I could get it to work on gallery pages for myself.

    Hopefully it will help others who have this situations with their galleries.

    I don’t know if anyone else can try to help you, but as it’s Woocommerce I wouldn’t know what to suggest.

    Good luck with it anyway!

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