• I have Vario hosting my website through CBeyond.

    I installed WordPress following the directions on the site and following multiple online tutorials. I uploaded via FTP (FileZilla) the WordPress Install Package into the Webroot Folder. When I goto the site, I get a Server Error 500 – saying there is a maintenance/configuration issue.

    However, when I goto https://www.mysite.com/wp-admin/ I can login and make changes in the WordPress Install.

    Could you please help me trouble shoot this configuration error? Thanks.

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  • It’s impossible for us to do that from this end. Firstly, becuase you haven’t included your websites address there’s nothing for us to see so we can’t even see the error page. Secodly, 500 errors are server-side, and normally don’t display any information to visitors, so you need to look at your sites error logs ot find out what the actual error is.

    Having said that, 99% of the 500 errors that I’ve seen care caused by problems with the sites .htacess file. To check that, log into your admin area and reset your permalinks by changing to ‘Default’ and saving, and then back to yoru current setting and saving. If that’s the problem that will fix it.

    Thread Starter loga7351


    https://www.jamesonpowers.com is the site. I’ll look into your suggestion and get back.

    Seeing that there’s no output there, that seems that the issue coudl be with the code in your system and that there’s an erro with a pluign or your theme. Has anything been changed/updated lately?

    To test this, open your wp-config.php file and change:

    define('WP_DEBUG', false);


    define('WP_DEBUG', true);

    This will show any errors that are occuring on the site. Just remember to change it back when you are finished!

    Thread Starter loga7351


    Ok. I’ll try that. Changing the Permalinks did not help.

    I have changed basically nothing after the install.

    Thread Starter loga7351


    It is saying that my username/passwords are not correct. I may try and reset everything and start from scratch. ??

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