• Hello again! ??

    You’ve helped me a lot last time and I hope you will succeed now as well. That’s why I remained bound in your beautiful theme. It’s really great. The more you use it, I realize that.
    But now I have one problem standing in the way of making full elegance look. It’s really annoying seeing two same images in head of every post, as a matter of fact it’s featured image somehow nested in the post.
    I would like to remove them from posts and to see them only on home page.
    Here is link where you can see the way posts look like.


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  • Theme Author Styled Themes


    Actually, if you plan to have the same image at the start of your post but also using the “Featured Image” as well, you will get both showing. However, you do not have to use the Featured Image if you want to use it in your post. In fact, you can simply insert your image at the beginning of your post content and forget about using the featured image as well. Or, you can just use the featured image and don’t insert the same image in your post.

    By the way, I see you have a > showing. When I looked at your source code, your posts have this:


    It’s an empty paragraph with a > showing in it, but no sentence or content. You might want to strip out that <p> tag group.

    Thread Starter marbak


    It’s a simple solution, just what I needed, thank you again!

    Yes I would like to strip out that <p> tag group, but from where? Do you mean from every single post, one by one, or there is option in single.php maybe or elsewhere?

    Theme Author Styled Themes


    If it exists in each of your posts, you will need to open each one and take it out. Not fun if you have a lot of them, but it’s the only way.

    Thread Starter marbak


    Ok, I understand that.
    But, now I figure out that problem with featured image is resolved in posts but not in Category display of posts!? Seems like that’s my problem from the start. I need to make Category display NOT whole posts but post with excerpt. Could it be done somehow?

    Theme Author Styled Themes


    You mean with a split post with the “Continue Reading” part or “Read More”? If so, there’s an icon function on your content editor that does that. You insert your cursor where you want to split the post and then click on the Read more tag icon button.

    Thread Starter marbak


    Yes, I didn’t know that! Thank you for
    disclosure of that simple fact I overlooked.
    But that’s for editing one by one, also. I have over 120 posts and it will be nice to find an option to edit whole category automatic and I did that with one plugin called Auto Excerpt everywhere. Not very happy with that but it’s doing job for now.

    Thread Starter marbak


    Beside all of that I am interesting in making Category posts display in full width of page. Now my category pages are without right sidebar but content is still displaying like the sidebar is there!?

    Theme Author Styled Themes


    The blog displays like that because the Lite version of Preference only has the Right sidebar column layout and not the option of a full width blog. So right now there’s no widgets published to the blog right sidebar which is why it looks like that. If you do not plan on using a sidebar, you would have to modify the theme file index.php by taking out this code:

    <aside id="right-column" class="span4">
    <?php get_sidebar(); ?>

    Then changing the other container further up that file from

    <section id="component" class="span8" role="main">


    <section id="component" class="span12" role="main">

    You would have to do that also with any other files such as search, archive, etc. You will no longer have a blog sidebar though.

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