• Hi Jacob,

    I was just wondering if there was a way I can provide different fields or messages based on a category or product that is ordered?

    For example for 1 specific product I need to show text from a field that they enter in, but I don’t want that label to show if they order something else.

    i.e. product 1 needs to display label “member #” and then the member number they enter at checkout needs to display next to it. But is there a way that I can hide “member #” label if they haven’t chosen that product?

    I hope this makes sense, is there a way to do this?



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  • Plugin Author Jacob Schwartz


    Hi Carly,

    This is certainly possible. I’d use a PHP if-then clause in the template, inspecting for the presence of the critical value. Does that make sense?

    Kind regards,


    Thread Starter carlyblack


    Hey thanks so much for your reply.

    yep that makes sense. I understand the if-then concept, I’m just not really sure what to look for – I’m not all the technically minded – so sorry for the ignorance!

    Are you able to just give me a little push as to what I’d look for? for example if I have a checkout field called membernumber, how would I call that?

    I’m happy to make a paypal donation to you for the help ??

    thanks in advance,

    Thread Starter carlyblack


    ooooh, I may have spoken to soon. I think I worked it out.

    In the content part for address I added the statement:

    <?php if(ECSE_purchase::get_the_checkout_prop('advertising')) { ?>
    Advertising type: <?php if(ECSE_purchase::get_the_checkout_prop('advertising')) { ?>
    <?php } ?>

    and it seems to have worked! I’ll do some proper testing tomorrow and let you know if this has done it for me.


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