1. Cannot change the color of the header. It is black and quite intimidating in size. … Is there any way to either take that black header off or change it’s color so it is more of a mauve or marble and not so intimidating? (I’ve tried the color change in the dashboard; but it didn’t change it.)
You could change the header color with CSS. To change the color with CSS, you can add this rule:
#navi {
background-image: none;
background-color: rgba(224, 176, 256, .60);
rgba(224, 176, 256, .60) is mauve with 60% opacity. It’s a bit bright, in my opinion, but you can try changing the values around. You’ll probably need to change the color of your menu text so it shows up better against a lighter background.
When adding the new CSS, do not edit the theme’s files; either create a child theme or use a CSS plugin.
2. Cannot get the “posting” page to contain ways one can actually post on it. … Is there any way to create a way to actually post on the posting page, i.e. the “Let’s talk” page I set up?
It sounds like you are not familar with the way WordPress works. There are six different kinds of user roles, and four of those roles are allowed to publish posts. You, of course, as the site administrator, can create posts. But for other people to create posts, you’ll have to assign them to at least an Author role via the Users page from the admin Dashboard. And the only way to create a post (at least, without a plugin) would be to login with a user ID and go to Posts > Add New from the admin Dashboard, you can’t do it from the site page.
Typically, the way to get a discussion going on a particular topic would be for you to create a post, then people who wanted to talk about it would leave a comment (“Leave a Reply”), and not create a new post. For example, let’s say you wanted to create a discussion about cats. You would write a post that said, “My cat likes to play with yarn. What does your cat like to play with?” and give it the let-us-talk category so it shows up on the page you have set up for discussions. Users would reply back & forth with you, and with other users by writing comments.
If you do want to allow people to create their own discussions, you might think about installing a forum plugin like BuddyPress, but forum plugins can take quite a bit of work to set up and administer.
3. The links (both on sidebar as well as in menu) all duplicate each other, i.e. All I need is one link from the static page to the posting page; one link to my primary domain (outside of the sub-domain where this theme is located); and one link to my youtube channel. … Is there any way to stop all this duplication of hyperlinks?
From your admin Dashboard, go to Appearance > Widgets. In the sidebar area on the right, is there a widget called Pages? If so, take your mouse and drag it off the sidebar area (or click the down arrow and select Delete).