• Resolved ReadyToWrap


    I’ve had the “recent post slider” enabled into the “Home 1” section of MH lite website. It worked flawlessly. Today, nothing is showing up on my website. Cant find any errors. Nothing was edited. I deactivated that widget and installed another similar recent post thumbnail slider. Activated and placed into “home 1”. Nothing shows up. Did this with another couple slider widgets. None of them show up meaning this must be a MH issue now.

    Please advise.

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  • Hello,

    that sounds very weird….

    First of all, the theme does not provide a “recent post slider”. There is the “MH Slider” included, do you mean this one???

    You should check your slider settings and if you can’t find the solution, please provide your url, so that I can have a look what’s going on there.

    Btw. this theme is used on thousands of websites and no other client has this issue. I also can’t reproduce this. So I don’t think it’s the theme. ??


    Found your site already.

    I see that you are using a lot of plugins and loading a lot of additional stuff. Your site loads at least 13 additional stylesheets and 20 javascript files… You might want to overthink that strategy, that are a lot of HTTP requests and I wouldn’t be surprised if there are also some plugin conflicts on your site.

    The “MH Slider” is based on the Flexslider 2. I see that you have added some inline javascript regarding the Flexslider (or it is added by the other slider which you are using now), you might want to check that too and also other customizations you might have made.


    Thread Starter ReadyToWrap


    I do not understand most of what you said.

    I have not added any javascript for the Flexsider. Wasn’t using the flexslider. Wanted a thumbnail type slider showing 4 recents posts across.

    But, I just added the MH slider into HOme 1 and it doesn’t show up either.

    I had checked your source code and there was inline javascript for the flexslider added, I guess it was because of the other plugin you were using.

    But anyway, I’m pretty sure this is a plugin conflict. So please deactivate your plugins and check again.

    I don’t recommend extensive use of plugins. You should always use only these plugins, which you do really need. All plugins which you don’t need, should be deactivated or even removed. Every plugin adds additional code to your site and this can cause issues and also increases your page load time.

    As I said, no other clients have issues with the slider, so this is definately related to your site.


    ReadyToWrap opened a new thread with the solution for this one:


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