• This is bugging the hell out of me lol. But, I was wondering what everyone is up to these days?

    Just seems like all, or most of the regulars aren’t around as much, hardly anything on Traq is being taken care of..sigh. Most of the Install4free requests were handled by MichaelH, and a couple by me..jeesh!

    I’m sure people are busy and all, but dang lol! Well, hopefully it starts picking up again.. And *hopefully* 2.0.4 gets released soon as well.. =p Well, *hopefully* after most of them “active” tickets are gone lol!

    Anyways..what have you been doing lately..?


    Yeah, I know WordCamp is coming up soon, but shoot, people can still be around if they wanted to be lol!!

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  • Hi spencerp,

    I dunno where you live, but here we have around 35-38 degrees celsius these days with a humidity in the 90+%.

    What do I do? Whenever possible I try to stay in deep shade, fill myself with a non-alcoholic version of Mint Julip and keep my feet in buckets of cold water…

    Thread Starter spencerp


    Hahaha.. I’d be doing the same then lol. ?? I guess, I’m leaning the questions more along the lines of, personal activity online or whatever.. that’s keeping those too busy to really be here.

    I know that there is people here and being “active”, I guess it’s just that they are not as “active” as before..that I’m wondering about.. I know, moshu, lady, whooami and a few others have been more active here.. just not most of the “regulars”.. or maybe I’m just not here, when they are or whatever.. =/


    My problem is the addiction to being here. LOL I have so much stuff I need to do elsewhere on the web, plus, I’m of the thinking of lhk – regarding the heat/humidity around here. Although I’d tend to lean more toward alcoholic mojitos or even a nice cold glass of white zinfandel…

    In the past 3 weeks, we’ve had 1/2 the county underwater for almost a full week, 2 HUGE structure fires (one that was only about 1/4 mi. from my house, and left huge chunks of burned up rubber ash in my yard, and lasted 2 days), and a bunch of other stuff with the fire department that’s kept me busy.

    Plus, I’m tying things up with a huge client, and trying to get ready to go offline for a week while I’m on “vacation” at a family reunion…

    Craziness, I tell ya. Flat out craziness. With people coming to my personal site thinking I’m Mo’Nique Imes to the fires/flooding, to work, to everything else – the last thing I should be doing is be here right now! But I am… LOL

    And right now, it’s just coffee for me… ??

    Thread Starter spencerp


    WOW! Ouch! I’m sorry to hear all that’s going on Lady.. =( Yeah, I also read briefly about that “mixup” and such, that in itself sounds like a huge hassle sigh. =(

    Hopefully you’ll get everything squared away with your client, and then be able to enjoy your family reunion..and just the time of relaxing.. =)

    Thanks for sharing Lady.. =)


    Hi spencerp,

    I have been busy with some schooling and so on. Also its prety nice weather here in Holland, so around here whe spent oure time mostly outdoors.

    Thread Starter spencerp


    Hey red-star! Wow! It’s been good while since we found ourselves in the same thread lol!

    I have been busy with some schooling and so on. Also its prety nice weather here in Holland, so around here whe spent oure time mostly outdoors.

    Ah ok, Yeah.. seems like *alot* of my Live Mess buddies are doing the schooling now too. =) As for the outdoors, yeah..I’m doing that as well. Helping the family with whatever they need done, and especially the grandparents. =) Trying to help them get their huge farm house ready, for when they move lol!

    I hope your schooling goes well, and good luck on the tests and such. ?? Thanks for sharing too. =)


    I’m still around – just very busy, both with wp.com, other business and personal sites.

    And I think I ought to go answer some email ??
    (I am supremely crap at answering email. Of all things online it is – by a very very long way – the thing I am worst at).

    Thread Starter spencerp


    I’m still around – just very busy, both with wp.com, other business and personal sites.

    Hey podz! Yeah, I’ve seen ya posting some replies here and there.. =) I was kind of figuring that you were busy with various things lol.

    And I think I ought to go answer some email. ??

    Haha, Yeah..that might be a good idea lol! ??

    (I am supremely crap at answering email. Of all things online it is – by a very very long way – the thing I am worst at).

    I know how ya feel sigh. Especially when very busy.. =(
    Sometimes I’ll let the emails go for a while, but – it is, and can be a “bad thing”, because they get marked as “read” then. And of course, me…I’d forget that I didn’t read them..and accidently delete them. =( Boy! Was that fun trying to explain that to them, when they sent me an email bitching lol!

    Things happen though..just can’t be helped alot of the times. ?? Thanks for sharing too podz. =)


    Thread Starter spencerp


    I don’t know about everyone else..but, I’ve just been tired and lazy lately sigh. I’m not sure if it’s becaues of the heat or not.. but dang!

    I’m *so far behind* on my theme, that I’ve been working on since my house arrest crap started..4 months ago, and now that I’m off of it, I still haven’t done much to it. I also haven’t been as active in here, as I used to be.. =(

    I just setup another blog on my new domain, and haven’t done anything to it yet..sigh. Jeesh, just typing on the keyboard anymore is almost tiresome..sigh. I dunno, maybe it’s just because the net seems boring now or something, hmmm. =/

    Anyways..that’s just how I’m feeling lately sigh. =(


    Hi spencerp,

    I recently joined an Iaido/kendo class and am having a blast with it. In case you don’t know Iaido is Japanese fencing and kenpo is sparing with bamboo swords. A very interesting martial art. I also study kenpo karate which is keeping me busy too! Not much time for tv or web stuff for me.

    guess I’m not much of a couch potato
    don (el paso)

    Thread Starter spencerp


    Jharis, ah nice.. I used to learn and do Judo back in the day lol..and a little bit of Karate.. I pretty much gave up on it though..sigh.. Just not as “active” as I used to be.. =(

    But, once the heat dies down then, hopefully..I’ll be more in the mood to do stuff again.. =) Thanks for sharing..


    Sorry I didn’t reply sooner.. just totally forgot about it.. just had my mind on other things lately.. =(


    In addition to what I am studying I hope to work out with the marines here at bliss and get certified in their program. Unlike the the armies combative program its not all ground and pound, and is open to the public.

    I’m sure you’ll make time to train when you’re ready. I would love to take judo, but with a back injury I think other arts are better suited for me. Matter of fact what the marines offer might be a little tough on me…. especially when the find out I’m an old army guy.

    don (el paso)

    Thread Starter spencerp


    Ah nice! I was in the Army myself a number of years ago.. Went for M1A1 tanker.. got to drive them an all.. I loved boot camp.. just once I got to line unit.. went down hill because of drinking sigh..

    Would do the boot camp stuff again, if my wrist wasn’t screwed up sigh.. =( Oh well.. I can still get back into shape here at home.. ??

    Good luck with the Marines and such.. =) Thanks again for sharing.. ( I kinda feel like I’m in A.A. sessions and shit, when saying that.. lmao!! )


    I’ve spent the last six weeks evaluating the myriad of video editing, authoring and burning software, trying to determine how in the hell I’m gonna find something that’s easy to use in order to convert 50 odd video tapes to DVD.

    Thread Starter spencerp


    Ah cool! That’s something worth learning and experimenting with.. =) Very interesting too. ?? Good luck with that pizdin_dim.. =) I’m sure you’ll think of something and get things rolling for yourself then.. ??


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