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    I want the full posts to show up on my main page, but I only want an excerpt to show up on the category and archive pages. How do I make this happen?

    So far the closest I’ve gotten to figuring it out has something to do with changing “the_content” to “the_excerpt” in category.php and archive.php. The only problem with that is I’m using a theme called Anthurium, and neither of those files seem to actually exist anywhere in my blog’s directory.

    Any help would be very much appreciated.

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    I’ve been trying to figure this one out all day but still haven’t gotten anywhere. I’ve seen many blogs doing this, so it must be at least somewhat common.


    I think that you can replace this part of the code in your index.php file for the theme:

    <div class=”storycontent”>
    <?php the_content(__(‘(more…)’)); ?>
    </div><!– end STORYCONTENT –>

    with this:

    <div class=”storycontent”>
    if ( is_category() || is_archive() ){
    } else {
    </div><!– end STORYCONTENT –>

    I hope that works as I’ve not tested it. But the solution is something along these lines. The codex has an example of this at:



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    That worked perfect, thanks a ton!

    One other quick question, is there a way to add something like “Click here to read the whole post” after the excerpt on the category/archive pages?

    Thanks again.

    Unfortunately the finction doesn’t have the ability to do this. However you should be able to use get_permalink or the_permalink within the page to generate the link you want. The documentation for it is here:


    I think that should solve your problems. Remember to mark this post as resolved. Thanks!

    Thread Starter unstop


    Thanks again for the reply. One last question…

    I think I know how to use the_permalink, I’m just not sure where in the code I would need to put it to get it to do what I’m trying to do?

    Under the_excerpt soould be okay. you can add your html around it just make sure it is in the loop.

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    When I do this:

    <div class=”storycontent”>
    if ( is_category() || is_archive() ){
    } else {
    <.a href=”<?php the_permalink(); ?>”>Read the rest of this post…<./a>
    </div><!– end STORYCONTENT –>

    It adds it to the entire blog, including the main page which already gives the full post. I only want it on the category/archive pages after the excerpt. Is this not where it’s supposed to go?

    Thanks again for putting up with my wordpress newbie-ness. =]

    You should read https://codex.www.ads-software.com/Template_Hierarchy and check if you have all the template files to get the results you want.

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    Got it! Thanks guys.

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