• Resolved coffee_king


    Hi there
    Upload ajaxify-wordpress-site folder to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory

    Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress.

    From here onwards I have no idea what to do or what to input?
    Can someone explain this in very easy terms please?
    All I want to do is stop the header image, right hand side main sidebar and footer from having to load each time someone goes form page to page. As the information in these sections is always the same.

    Go to Settings tab there a AWS Options Page link will be present click on it and provide the datails.

    Please make sure that your search form tag id should be ‘searchform’ and input box id should be ‘s’.

    Provide the ID of the container you want to be ajaxify in ‘Ajax container ID’ field.

    Provide the class of the menu container in ‘Menu container class’ field.


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