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  • Hi,

    Why would you copy the entire stylesheet from the parent to the child theme. The child theme overrides the parent. Please see the WordPress support document at:

    Also on displaying all the post from a category or a single page from a category on a page can be done using the methods described here.

    Hope this helps


    It might be easier to use this plugin and use short codes…


    Thread Starter anniebeckius


    Is there any way you can dumb that down for me? Like I said, I’m a newbie at child themes/customization.
    (1)What code do I need to put (2) where in (3)what kind of file in which (4) folder under my child theme directory?

    ?? thank you ??


    First go back and read the child theme creation, I can’t explain it any better than the WP site. There really should only be one file in the child theme the style.css file (I have many more and some folders since I am overriding bootstrap and adding to some php files – something I don’t think you need to do at this point.). In your case you may not even need the child theme unless you are overriding something in the style.css file such as color, font, or something else. There should not be any folders in your case.

    Download and install the plugin I provided a link to, activate it and then create a new page perhaps called “Blog” or “My Blog”, toggle the post input to “Text” in the upper right (the other choice is Visual) and insert the category containing the blog you want (for example in this case called ‘news’) with something like [catlist name=”news”] you must include the brackets. Publish the page and add it to your menu and you are done. Follow the instructions for the plugin to refine to one particular blog post.

    I hope that helps, if not let me know…

    Thread Starter anniebeckius


    Hi Chuck,

    You are awesome. You dumbed that down perfectly. However, it’s still not doing what I want it to do.

    The new page I created is called ‘Blog’:

    There, you can see that I have a blog post titled ‘Punkins’, but the entire post with the photo isn’t displaying.

    What I want here is basically a blog roll, with every word and every image/video/etc displayed on one page. Maybe 10 per page with an ‘older’ button at the bottom.

    Am I explaining that correctly?

    Again, thank you so much for taking the time to help me!

    Hi Ann,

    I may have given you bad information it looks like the plugin I directed you to does not expand the blog post it only provides a link. I clicked on the punkin permalink and I do see a blog post with your text and picture but you want it open without clicking the link. Go to Settings –> Reading and you will see that you can set the full post to be shown instead of a summary. I assume you are doing a static front page, so you can select the page that contains the blog post and then control how they are displayed. You can set the number of post to show before a page link is added in this Settings –> Reading menu. Put some introductory text at the top of your Blog page and remove the [catlist name=”news”] I gave you above (also disable and or remove the plugin I suggested).

    Be aware that the Duena them creates a Blog page and fills it with your categories and pictures. Remove that page from the menu, (so you can use in the future) and make sure you are selecting your page (that’s why I suggested using My Blog to start so it does not interfere with the Duena created menu item.

    Hope that Helps…

    Thread Starter anniebeckius


    Hi Chuck,

    I have all of that done already with the Reading settings. Also removed the plugin and the [ ] text.

    Any other ideas??

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